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    Fantasy Warning, Temples of Fantasy
    Press Reviews
    Techno-funk DJ spins spiritual Rocker - Temples of Fantasy - MP3.COM Since making a name for himself last year turning out frenetic, relentless basement-brand techno, Rocker has traded his black turtleneck and strobe light for a loincloth and a cyber spear. Departing from the strict diet of drum machine and vocal sampling that were the mainstays of his 2000 release [Fantasy Warning (], Temples of Fantasy is sort of a seventh chakra production, combining spiritual, liquid baselines with thick drum tracks and emotive Latin and African beats. Songs like "Soaring" and "Flight of Fantasy" are rich with warm, easy synths that hint at new-age influences like Deep Breakfast or Michael Hedges, but trade the crystal worshippers' toothlessness for a little funk. If Barry White cut a new age album, Rocker would sample it. Clearly, though, Rocker worships crystal of another kind. "Va Bene" opens with a mesmerizing chemo burn baseline reminiscent of the Crystal Method's wholly agnostic first album. Temples of Fantasy is a hit-and-miss production. Rocker forges ahead in "Mongrel Mob" with a choo-choo train chorus that would send most DJs tiptoeing out of the room in search of another martini. That said, his sounds are original, drawing on a reservoir of garage band guerilla energy that's inarguably compelling. -LT (Jeb Tilly is a freelance writer based in Charlottesville, VA. His work has appeared in Men's Journal and the Washington Post, among others.) "High energy Charlottesville sound artist using lots of sounds, lots of pulses, lots of pizazz." - Blue Ridge Independant Radio ( "Electronica from Charlottesville!" - Meet The Mid Atlantic ( "I've had many a walk that have been soundtracked by this track... walks through angry cities filled with happenings, bubblings over, so many crises, so many volcanoes waiting to blow! But, soundtracks like this put all that happens to us in perspective. There's enough feeding in and out of this track to keep this beat going for a while... " -Vagrant Notion ( "Take a Trip into Fantasy fly away with this very imaginative track by ROCKER" - Gametracker Radio ( "Trancey electronica with diverse and lush sounds; a Charlottesville native to boot!" - Radio Coelacanth ( "Buzzy techno at a fast and furious sensual rave beat." - Radio Coelacanth(
    Charlottesville, VA - USA

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