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    Artist description
    "Take a bit of Screeching Weasel, a dash of Ramones and a pinch of surf rock and you come up with Ottawa's Riptides. Let this low-brow quartet regale you with tunes like "Zombies Ate My Girlfriend," "Chucky's A Fuck" and "Me Love You Long Time." Just when you thought Ottawa was chock full o' navel-gazing emo nerds, the Riptides come along and stomp the myth real good." -Exclaim! Magazine, April 2000 "After only a few months, these Ottawa monsters return with another full-length, but this time around they've cranked things up a bit. Although the Ramones/Screeching Weasel influence peppered with surf rock is still strong, they've added a harder edge on a few of the songs that incorporates a Meatmen/Dwarves sound. A goofy sense of shlocky humour rounds this out with tunes like "I'm In Love With A Jehovah's Witness," "You're Fuckin' Ugly" and "Gimme Gimme Your Brains." The uptight among you may not appreciate a band like the Riptides, but they probably wouldn't care." -Exclaim! Magazine, September 2000
    Music Style
    surf punk rawk rock
    Musical Influences
    Ramones, Screeching Weasel, The Queers, Beach Boys, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Del Shannon, Dwarves, Black Flag, D.O.A., Meatmen
    Similar Artists
    Ramones, Screeching Weasel, The Queers, Beach Boys, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Del ShanDwarves, Black Flag, D.O.A., Meatmennon,
    Artist History
    The Riptides have been playing punk rock since early 1998 and have played many shows with bands like Groovie Ghoulies, Chixdiggit, Frenzal Rhomb, The Donnas, Mr T Experience,Bunchofuckingoofs, L.E.S. Stitches, The Vapids and More!
    Group Members
    Andy Vandal- Vocals, Doug Vermin- Guitar, Sean Shamless- Drums, Bob Goblin- Bass
    used bass, pawn-store bought guitar, stolen drums
    'I'm in Love with a Harelip Retard' (1998), Going Down Syndrome (1999), California Reamin' (2000), Appetite For Rejection (2001)
    Press Reviews
    "Take a bit of Screeching Weasel, a dash of Ramones and a pinch of surf rock and you come up with Ottawa's Riptides. Let this low-brow quartet regale you with tunes like "Zombies Ate My Girlfriend," "Chucky's A Fuck" and "Me Love You Long Time." Just when you thought Ottawa was chock full o' navel-gazing emo nerds, the Riptides come along and stomp the myth real good." -Exclaim! Magazine, April 2000 "After only a few months, these Ottawa monsters return with another full-length, but this time around they've cranked things up a bit. Although the Ramones/Screeching Weasel influence peppered with surf rock is still strong, they've added a harder edge on a few of the songs that incorporates a Meatmen/Dwarves sound. A goofy sense of shlocky humour rounds this out with tunes like "I'm In Love With A Jehovah's Witness," "You're Fuckin' Ugly" and "Gimme Gimme Your Brains." The uptight among you may not appreciate a band like the Riptides, but they probably wouldn't care." -Exclaim! Magazine, September 2000
    Ottawa, Ontario - Canada

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