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    Artist description
    Guitars, and drums, and screams, and such.
    Music Style
    Punk Rock, Alternative, Crap.
    Musical Influences
    Numbers, Animals, Monsters, Black Sabbath, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, Tori Amose
    Similar Artists
    Black Sabbath, Nirvana, Sonic Youth
    Artist History
    After the demise of dads with no face in april of 1995,nothing musically happened for several months.finnally blaise kolodychuk, terry ramsay and scott johns decided to form a new band, "die spinne", and tried to take a new musical direction. with scott now playing bass and terry taking over most of the vocal duties, they made more hypnotic and mellow songs, a far cry from the insane mayhem noise of dads with no face. the songs were more structured and had more melody, but eventually, after playing live a few times, they fell back into the old punk rock styling they were so used to. after combining all of the new with the old, they had found the sound of die spinne. the album pies came out in january of 1996 and was a perfect example of this sound which had never been heard before. the shows definitely were not like the shows in the days of dads, but the actual sound of the band was better, and the fans responded accordingly. not as crazy, but paying more attention. continuing to make more music die spinne came out with "suicide", a collection of the best live performances they had accomplished to date. this was one of the most exciting tapes ever put together in recorded earth history. by this time die spinne was playing around calgary and they eventually released the album "die spinne visit zombie island" in december of 1997 (and well before any scooby doo movies were even heard of). going closer and closer to the punk side of things then the hypnotics.
    Group Members
    Blaise KolodychukTerry RamsayScott Johns
    Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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