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    Artist description
    Thomas played guitar. The beer spilled on the floor. Several large rednecks sang along as if they knew the words. They knew last call was approaching quickly, so they chugged their beers and ordered a double round. Then they drank their blues cups down. How often this ritual has been repeated, for Thomas has to pay his rent.
    Music Style
    Folky Acoustic Alternative
    Musical Influences
    John Lennon, Dave Matthews Band, Lifted, John Prine, Gruv, Phat Sandwich, The Rubber Band, Capleton, Peter Tosh, Ben Harper
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    Artist History
    A musician since early youth, Thomas Obvious became a veteran of the road at the age of 16, playing bass for Inside the Outside(an alternative act from Bowie, MD, now defunct). Exploring other avenues, Thomas left ItO the following year to co-found Anchorhead, a hardcore band based in Alexandria, VA. As all the members of Anchorhead went their separate ways, Thomas met Dwarfgrinder. A shockrock/blackmetal group from Springfield,VA, Dwarfgrinder was an incredible learning experience for Thomas. As he grew older and the members of Dwarfgrinder moved overseas, Thomas grew tired of the scene he was in. He met songwriter/acoustic musician C. Mason in VA and began to collaborate with him and others. It was then that Thomas found his sound. Thomas and Mason went on their separate ways, occasionally jamming at a party now and again. Thomas later met the group Allergic to People and plans to expand his sound with several new experiments with them and others. Keep checking back, more to come.
    Group Members
    Thomas and the Bluntfork records crew.
    The Midlife Crisis of Thomas Obvious
    Bowie, Maryland - USA

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