Artist description
Just myself playing guitar with some help from a bassist and sometimes electronic media. I am inspired by everday things, relations, etc., and sometimes I am inspired enough to put it to music. Sometimes I just play for the hell of it, and then come back to certain progressions. I never hit upon my own perfection, given that I work best with spontaneity. perfection and spontaneity do not go hand-in-hand. |
Music Style
Instrumental guitar |
Musical Influences
Led Zeppelin, Schubert, Eastern Music, Alex DeGrassi, Pink Floyd, many others |
Similar Artists
Here's an update, I am a collage of my musical and non-musical influences, nothing less and nothing more. If anyone activly listens to other musicians, the more unique details are heard. |
Artist History
I've been playing about 15 years or so, and finally I want to share some with other people. I enjoy playin gelectric guitar, but acoustic is what I play most passionately with. Soon I'll post some acoustic stuff, My goal is an acoustic CD for Christmas for freinds and family. I'll post some of this to mp3 |
Group Members
Myself and sometimes my friend Tom. |
Gibson Les Pauls and Martin acoustics |
Roanoke, Virginia - USA |
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