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    Artist description
    A full-force power rock trio, determined to create original, intelligent music that is counter-distictive to the currently sad state of corporate-run rock.
    Music Style
    Hard Rock
    Musical Influences
    Country to Death Metal, Traditional Jazz to Progressive Rock
    Similar Artists
    Tool, Stone Temple Pilots, Staind, Metallica, Rush
    Artist History
    If Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines dint as force, power, how would you define DiNT? Full-Force Rock. The band started in upstate New York and quickly moved down to New York City for grayer pastures. People in the know have compared DiNT to Stone Temple Pilots, Tool, Staind and several other mainstream hard rock bands. With the release of DiNT's first CD, the band hopes to build a following: on a global scale. "Hi, We're DiNT" is the debut release from DiNT. The disc draws from each band member's past musical experiences. From country to death metal, traditional jazz to progressive rock the DiNT guys have done it all, and aren't afraid to use it to their advantage. DiNT is in the process of booking gigs to promote the new CD and are hoping to secure radio airplay as well. Even though Karch (guitar, vocals) and Ted II (bass) have suffered through a myriad of drummers that would Make Spinal Tap cringe, they never lost hope that the missing piece of their puzzle would turn up. Brandon Miller (drums) came on board in May of 2001 and his impact was immediate. His love of progressive rock and dynamic drumming pushed DiNT in an exciting new direction. Combined with Ted II's jazz influenced bass lines and Karch's love of 80's pop, rock and anything else that crosses his ears, DiNT is stronger than ever. Finally, DiNT has their line-up secured and a CD to promote. The time has come for DiNT to step up to the challenge at hand. That challenge: to be successful in the world of hard rock. Now, more than ever the band is ready, willing and able to bring it's exhilarating brand of hard rock to the masses.
    Group Members
    Karch - vox, guitar/ Ted II - bass/ Brandon - drums
    Guitar, Bass, Drums
    Hi, We're DiNT
    New York, NY - USA

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