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No Point

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    Music Style
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    All rock music
    Group Members
    ADAM - Guitar, Vocals, STEVE - Guitar, RYAN - Bass, QUINTIN - Drums, GEORGE - Guitars
    3 Guitars, Bass, and Drums
    the 24 #*@%'en hours EP
    Press Reviews
    With the ever-growing population of great Canadian bands, Manitoba has more than enough to be proud of. Hailing from the North is a young talented group known as "No Point Intended". The band consists of 5 individuals native of The Pas and Opasqwayak Cree Nation, located in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Their home is divided into two distinct communities living side by side, bordered by the Saskatchewan River. This distance hasn't stopped No Point Intended from becoming one of the most well known original bands in the north.With clear, heartfelt notes belting out of lead singer / rhythym guitarist Adam Halstrom, one is moved by the sincerity of his voice. This is matched by the powerful, consistent rock of the drums accomplished by Quintin Bignell; a gifted musician and experienced percussionist. Others include lead guitarist Steve Longworth, bass player Ryan Proulx, and guitarist George Constant. This group completes the sound of No Point Intended, with a strong deep pitch that envelops and embraces the momentum of each song.With this collide of musical talents it's no wonder their first single "Verbal Whore" is expected become a favorite with teens and young adults across the continent. The lyrics, written by Quintin, express a view of society in a totally open and sincere way. This song has a deep theological view on society's constant regurgitation of gossip and it's derogatory accomplishments. Expressive talent is revealed in the honesy of the music and chorus: "I know about you, and the things you say, I cried on cue, my rep cannot be saved… Do you know how it feels?… Do you know how it hurts?…" One cannot help but relate to the musical intensity found in this group. With an upbeat yet focused sound, No Point Intended is all their own.Other songs include 'Walk' and 'Undying Love': both with lyical sincerity and moving instrumental capabilities. From Walk: "What could I say? You left and my life crumbled, Your dream is a crime, and the rest is easy for you." The song, described by Adam, "is about the fear of leaving a relationship, and not knowing if the other person wants to be involved". The musical collaboration was established by manager George Constant. His reaction to No Point Indended's impact on new listeners: "Everybody is very excited and amazed… It's mostly been amazement… It's not very often that small communities in the north produce a rock group with orignal music…"The song 'Undying Love', written by bass player Ryan Proulx, describes the love between grandparents and grandchildren. However, not all of the songs are deep-set in such an honest and sometimes tyranical way. The song 'Pollution Lake' is friendly and upbeat with a humorous view of each band member's personality.No Point Intended is destined to become a favorite, whether for it's honesty, sincerity, or theatrical view on life, the band delivers their message in such an unusual and perceptive way that it's no wonder their listening audience continue to enjoy and relate to their music. Victoria Lathlin,June 12, 2000
    The Pas, Manitoba - Canada

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