Artist description
1 man tired of junk on the air waves |
Music Style
R&B |
Musical Influences
Isiac Hayes, Earth Wind And Fire |
Similar Artists
Isiac Hayes as a teenager |
Artist History
During the mid 90's I was in a alternitive group, but I got tired of rectritions of my creatinve ability, so I branched out on my own, although Im influanced by Isiac Hayes, and Earth Wind & Fire, my main heavy influance in music is the rock group KISS. They inspired me to work harder in music, to push my self the limit when putting on shows (Tour Dates to Come)I have a great respect and admiration for this group. So anyway I hope you enjoy thease songs, I hope when I put on my shows, you will definiely get your moneys worth. With love and respect James Chisolm A.K.A JC3. Ps. Thank You you will be hearing from me soon. |
Group Members
James Chisholm |
Keyboards, guitar, bass vocals |
none |
Press Reviews
Rockpile Magazine |
Additional Info
none |
Philadelphia, Pa. - USA |
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