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    Artist description
    Only Everything's music is a style that can only be described as their own. With ideas and influences borrowed from great bands like Pink Floyd they have proven to be contenders for a spot in the world music limelight.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Dave Matthews/Edwin McCain/David Gray,
    Similar Artists
    Most people say we sound like U2/Rush/Pink Floyd/Edwin McCain/DMB
    Artist History
    Conceived in the fall of 1997 Only Everything began as the brainchild of Jim Klosterman. Originally a part of a Cincinnati based cover band, Jim had aspirations of something greater. Along with the help of lead singer Chris Mouch, an educated vocal and theatre major, and Jim’s protégé, rhythm guitarist Zack Long, they began to organize the band that has become Only Everything. Drummer Adam Eilers and bassist Dan Strasser soon were added completing the quintet. Eilers having been heavily influenced by the early punk rock music was a challenging addition to the band’s line-up. Dan came to band on the faith of Jim. Originally a guitarist, Jim had the foresight to see the bass potential that Dan now exhibits. The debut album Break the Monotony was created as a concept album and generated local success and radio airplay. The record placed 3rd out of 400 in a 102.7 WEBN / Clear Channel contest, attracted media attention, and has driven the band to continue to create incredible original music. In this continued effort, Only Everything is currently working on its independent sophomore album that is packed full of groundbreaking ideas, great songwriting, and a fresh new feel to it. The release of Break the Monotony, the ongoing process of recording, and playing the music that they love, Only Everything has just started on its journey. With an eclectic mix of pop, alternative, and rock influences, the name Only Everything is the explanation and the core of the band. Each one of these tight knit members brings with him a diverse background in musical influences and personality traits that enables a type of music to be created that is easy to listen to and hard to forget. With ups and downs in the past, realizing where they have been and the places that they know they need to go, the band has its eyes on the future. With enough talent and material to last them ages, the band is ready to take the necessary steps to take there music to the next level.
    Group Members
    James Klosterman: Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals - Zach Long: Rythmn Guitar - Chris Mouch: Lead Vocals/Acoustic Guitar/Keyboards - Adam Eilers: Drums Dan Strasser: Bass
    Fender Guitar, Yamaha Drums, Yamaha Bass Guitar, Kurzweiler Keyboards, Korg Prophecy Keyboard, Guild Acoustics
    Break The Monotony
    Press Reviews
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    Cincinnati, OH - USA

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