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    Artist description
    Gloria's Head is one of those alternative bands that make you throw your head back and shout, "Thank you Jesus!" While blending core melodies and chords that keep true to alt.-indie music, the band adds originality and scratchy vocals, making a world for themselves in a realm of post-punk evolutionary wanderings.
    Music Style
    Artist History
    The band formed after guitarist/vocalist Nick Lamagna decided to give up on the suburban wasteland of Southern California and headed for the overpriced paradise of the San Francisco Bay Area. It all came together back in the Clinton heydays of the late '90s (1998); Nick was recording follow-up songs to his solo album Darlings Out of Cocktail when he enlisted the help of bassist Ron Cook and drummer Bob Wolffe on a couple of tracks. Soon, one catalyst lead to another, and the boys had an indie masterpiece on their hands: the '99 release Sex Is Back. Soon after, the band added talented guitarist and vocalist Mark Hansen.
    Group Members
    Nick Lamagna: guitar/vocalsBob Wolffe: drumsRon Cook: bass/vocalsMark Hansen: guitar
    guitars, bass, drums, vocals
    Sex Is Back
    Press Reviews
    The Global Muse Review"Sex Is Back" is a classic punk recording in the making. The music is fresh and true to the punk nature and attitude, but that is only the beginning of why this band is so well worth remembering. The musicianship is tight and of high quality, while the vocals bring out a great uniqueness to the genre. The music can be described as The Offspring colliding with The Clash. The guitars are heavy and bring a powerful presence to the music. This is one of the best alternative punk CD's that I've had the chance to listen to in a long time.Not only does this band rock, but the lyrics are well written also. Gloria's Head does not hold back and they deliver those raunchy, kick ass, libido induced lyrics. If ever the day comes when sex in music becomes cliché, music will really start to suck. That is probably why the 90's were so boring. Thanks to this bands high energy, powerhouse rock style and blatant disregard for trends, we now have a great band to look forward to hearing more of in the future. Gloria's Head does not disappoint in any realm of the categories that we judge our artist on. The music is so diverse that this band can easily find fans from the metal, punk, alternative, and rock genres. I would suggest this band to anyone who loves good music. It doesn't matter what style of music you like, I'm sure that you'll find something on this album that you will enjoy. Gloria's head comes highly recommended by this reviewer.Gunther
    San Francisco, California - USA

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