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Scratch (From Ottawa)

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    Artist description
    In a time when rap, rock and pre-fab foursomes dominate the charts video and radio stations with increasing recognition, the standard guitar/bass/drums lineup has become almost old-fashioned or obsolete. Fortunately, there's now a new act that not only employs the lineup which was good enough for the legends but passionately embraces the traditional rock & roll formula: A gritty dual-guitar onslaught backed by a percussive rhythm section, with soaring, heated and rousing vocals overarching all. Hailing from the conservative city of Ottawa, Canada, Scratch is ready for the masses to receive their message. That message can basically be summed up in four words: Let There Be Rock. Unlike many new groups, Scratch possesses a healthy respect for their rock & roll forefathers and readily admit to being influenced by the records they grew up listening to. Melody and harmony are key elements of any Scratch tune, but the guys are also fanatical about loud guitars and rock steady rhythms. Scratch does rock out with the best of them and guarantees to get pulses pounding and fists pumping. What, then is the essence of Scratch? It's quite simple actually, Real rock, Real people. Real people who, amidst the chaos and the confusion, are seeking their salvation through the medium that moves them like no other: The excited and enlightened frenzy that we all know as rock & roll.
    Music Style
    Hard Rock
    Musical Influences
    Anything that is good!
    Similar Artists
    The Offspring, Godsmack, Fuel, 3 Doors Down
    Artist History
    The birth of Scratch dates back to early 1995. Since then, the line-up has changed with original members Josh and Scott joining Chris and Julien. Together they form the sound that is Scratch.
    Group Members
    Vocals and Guitars - Josh Jacobson...Lead Guitars - Julien Flash...Bass and Vocals - Scotty Saturn...Drums and Vocals - Chris Evans
    Vocals, Lots of Guitars,Bass and Drums
    Scratch - Never Been to Vegas
    Press Reviews
    Scratch: For Those About to Rock Is rock and roll dead? We're not talking Limp Bizkit or Blink-182 rock and roll, we're talking ROCK and ROLL, the straight-up guitar rock that made idols of Aerosmith and U2 and, in latter days, 3 Doors Down and Creed, and if you ask Scratch frontman Josh Jacobsen, the answer comes back a resounding no. "Our range of influence starts as early as the Beatles right up to the latest music played on the radio, like Creed and Nickelback," says Jacobsen. And while those two bands are constantly pillaged for being unoriginal clones, take a look at the numbers: Creed's first two records have sold a combined fifteen million copies, while 3 Doors Down's debut has racked up 4.5 million. People like this stuff - a lot of people. "If it has a melody, a hook," says Josh, "then it will influence the way we create songs." Formed in the spring of 1995, Scratch released their first full-length effort, 'Never Been to Vegas', earlier this year, and it's solid. Josh himself uses the classic rock standbys, Gibson and Fender guitars, for a sound that's timeless. "Scott(Saturn, bassist), used his trusty T-bird and an old tube bass head that had an awesome fuzz tone, like an old KISS or Black Sabbath sound," he says. The rhythm section is completed by drummer Chris Evans, with Julien "Flash" holding down the lead guitar slot, complete with flashy '70s-vintage solos. When asked about faith and how it fits into music, Josh is candid and intelligent. "We were all raised in a Christian background," he says, "and as adults, we've taken the good of the religion and applied it to our lives. We don't do unto others as we wouldn't want done unto if our crowds wanna rock, that's what we give them." While the lyrics on 'Never Been to Vegas' don't have a particularly Christian slant, they probably weren't written to. On sanctified music and the rise of Christian rock and roll in recent years, Scott says, "One of my favourite bands is Bride, and the music is what I like, but there's a cool message there, too." Josh adds, "I think people like music for what it does to them; it's personal, and no one understands and takes in music the same way. So I see any music that promotes that experience to have a place in the general market." Being a Canadian musician is by no means writing your own ticket, and Josh Jacobsen's day job is somewhat of a surprise: at 28, he's the president of Fuel Industries, an Ottawa-based web-design company. "If it ever comes to the point where we can be full-time rock stars, we'll do that," he says. "It's a dream that, for sure, we'd all like to see become reality." But as previously mentioned, one does not pin one's hopes solely on rock stardom in this country. "We're smart about it; we have a backup plan, our current day jobs. The maturity that our jobs give us, combined with each others' musical talents, would most likely enable us to progress as a professional band." A recent issue in Ottawa has been the state of the local music scene; with concert venues going under almost on a monthly basis, it's getting increasingly difficult to book a show. "It's hard to land gigs because the venues are so limited," Josh explains. "Lots of bands, and no place to play in Ottawa. There's some good talent here; if only there were more places to watch and admire that talent, but nobody supports each other." Echoing a sentiment I've long held, he completes his thought: "Bands in this city have to start working together if Ottawa is going to become a better city for music."
    Additional Info
    released in 2000
    Ottawa, Ontario - Canada

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