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    Music Style
    Hard/Progressive Trance
    Musical Influences
    Everything I've listened to and liked. This includes S.U.N. Project, Sasha, Digweed, Union Jack, Terra Ferma, Music on Eve, Platipus, Spirit Zone records as well
    Artist History
    After singing and playing guitar in various rock bands in NY from 1992 - 1996, I was getting bored with rock music. At the same time, I hated electronic music. I didn't get it and didn't care to. After meeting some friends who listened to a lot of electronic music, I slowly began enjoying the beats and sounds that were so foreign to me. As my interest grew, so did my desire to create the music. I saw a rebirth in my passion for music. I bought turntables and started spinnig records. It wasn't as satisfying as writing music and I wanted to create the music I was spinning. After two frustrating years of buying equipment, learning MIDI and digital audio, I am finally at a point where I have a much greater understanding and appreciation for the music I once hated. I am working towards a live set in hopes of bringing a more "live" feel to the genre of electronic music, where I can perform with my equipment, layering tracks and manipulating sounds reflective of the audiences energy. Please take a listen, let me know what you think - ManateK
    Group Members
    Access Virus, Korg Trinity V3, Roland MC-505, Bheringer Mixer, Cubase VST 24 & MAC G4.
    San Francisco, CA - USA

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