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Fourth Round

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    Artist description
    If we were a tree i would have to say we would most likely be those damn stickie things that get stuck to your sock and you spend 30 mins after running through a field picking them off even though they are seeds and arent a type of tree.
    Music Style
    Pop/Punk with Ska and Emo Influence
    Musical Influences
    The Impossibles, Weezer, Forty Second Scandals, O'Doyle Rules, Sublime, Suicide Machines, MU330, Mustard Plug, Voodoo Glow Skulls
    Similar Artists
    The Impossibles, Weezer, O'Doyle Rules, Green Day, Blink 182 , The Hippos, MXPX, NOFX,
    Artist History
    Ok well, it's a really long tale of 4th Round Knockout. It all started in 1996 when Taylor and Andrew(brothers in the band) decided to play that point they sucked..but faith kept them going. They hooked up with many drum and guitar/singers over time. Jumping from bands like "Phuc Mike" to "The Earth Hoppers" and to "The Junior Mints", They were getting nowhere..and Taylor and Andrew decided to take things their own they practiced for a long time, created a sound of Ska/Punk/Weezerish and during 1998 decided to step it up a notch and pick up a drummer named Grant Anderson, a trombone player named Johnny McGee, and a singer named Alex Hubbard. Things were going great with the band until after their first concert when their musical ways on the bands direction spread them apart. So they kicked them out, but kept with Grant because he was the best thing to 4th Round Knockout. After a long while, and many audtions for singers, they realized they would go nowhere without a singer. That's when Andrew had suggested his friend and die-hard 4rko fan Davis Ayer to sing...well it was a hit!..everyone in the band was just soo happy..except for Taylor, to this date he still thinks Davis sucks at singing..but he was too good to be kicked here we are in 1999 getting our first taste of what it's really like to be a high school band. We've been through soo much together, and hopefully will be for the ages to come.
    Group Members
    Taylor Collins-GuitarAndrew Collins-Bass & VocsDavis Ayer-Main VocsGrant Anderson-Drums, VocsSpencer Collins-Trumpet
    Strings, Sticks, Valves, Lungs, Keys
    Press Reviews
    "These guys rule"- Dog from the planters mixed nuts commercial.
    Austin, Texas - USA

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