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    Artist description
    Not really a band, just a name to pull together allthe experimental stuff I do,Occasionally you will find somethingthat is actually kind of serious on here. Often with help froma number of other similar minded people who pop in to adda off the wall vocal or drum track.(Credit given insong info) admittedly, very little work went into any song on here,most of the stuff is just an evening of goofing around- trying to capturea mood or feeling. Instrumentation is determined by whatever happens to be laying around-be it a guitar, a set of bongos, an old toilet seatwith tuners and guitar strings mounted on an old acoustic guitar body.This is not any certain kind/style of music- therefore I really do notsee that there could be any kind of commercial success-
    Music Style
    Experimental lofi popfolk, usually first take, sometimes thought out in advance- sometimes rock-n-rolly, sometimes jazzy, sometimes childish and fart noises!-
    Musical Influences
    cheese, folk grass music, weird stuff, Organised sounds- Rock, Jazz, John Cage, Jaco Pastorious, bluegrass,noise, TV, flashbacks, my friends and cohorts, my bizarre sense of humor , Monty Python, Cheech and Chong, the beatles, the greatful dead, Ween, They might be Giants, musics of india, african percussion, nature, psycedelia,
    Similar Artists
    Ween, only not as professional, John Cage,
    Artist History
    started as a experimental project the summer of 2000to have something to do with the expensive 4 track machine I bought-now I have stepped up to a computer based multitrack system (check outInternet Audio Mix- great free multitrack softwarefor computer)
    Group Members
    members fluctuate like a fudge ballon, but all are accomplishedmusicians from various bands, stopping in at my place to imbibe andlet the "tape roll" whatever ends up on there ...... who knows....
    electric fretted/fretless bass, Drums, Electric/Acoustic guitar, toliet seat harp, Bongos, boards, mandolin, the floor, Recorder, Midi Keys, Voice, homemade plywood 2 string cello, kitchen ware, dogs, cheesy electronic drum pads, drum kit, etc
    none that I know of- If you want to make one go ahead! ITS FREE !!!! TAKE IT!!!! PLEASE!!!!
    Press Reviews
    none that I know of- If you want to review it, go ahead!I will stick it on here! (unless it is reeeaaallly terrible... haha)
    Clayton, ga - USA

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