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    Artist description
    Music Style
    electroclash, chipmusic, retro crossover
    Musical Influences
    kraftwerk, fischerspooner, abstract reality, die krupps (old ones), mos6581...
    Similar Artists
    Artist History
    my first musical try to walk happened late 1994 as i got a fender telecaster (fake) for christmas. it was an exciting time, some months later two friends of mine and i founded the first band i ever played with, 'devony'. our 'drummer' used cardboard boxes for drums and i played random chords on my untuned guitar (without any distortion). the other friend did some kind of black metal vocals... there are worlds between the music i do now and the music from 1994.
    Group Members
    Elektron Sidstation & machinedrum, Fruity Loops, Electric guitar and more
    after years of delay and disagreement
    Press Reviews
    Representing a generation that isn't afraid of electronic elements and tries to go it's own way, zerozillion has left the band life behind and works alone in his homestudio on new tracks. Guitar sounds are still present in his music, they go hand in hand with a low-fi soundcarpet made of synth surfaces, Commodore 64 sounds and minimalistic drums. You can dive in these melodies and find yourself back in a world where computers learned to walk and a 13 year old boy enjoys playing "space invaders" or "tron" on his tv at home. zerozillion doesn't try to produce dance tracks on his album, more a mixture of arcade game elements with squeaky sounding melodies, spiced up with a breeze of rock. The result sounds very promising. He hits the current trends with this retro-low-fi sound (like "console" and others) and points even more with unwilling to compromise beautiful tracks that are uncut, puristic and graceful like raw sushi; and aren't only nice decorated with some "bleeps" and "blops" here and there. translated from a review by d.u.s.t. /
    Additional Info
    Villach, non US - Austria

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