Eddie Blazonczyk's Versatones Artist Info Home
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Eddie Blazonczyk's

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    In 1963 Eddie Blazonczyk's Versatones recorded their first album titled "Polka Parade" on the Bel-Aire record label. Over the past thirty-four years and approximately 185 dates per year, this Grammy award-winning group is known for its modern blend of polka originals, covers and standards that have pleased people in over 5,400 appearances, touring the USA, Canada, France, Austria, Mexico, and Poland. They have recorded over 50 albums and received over 125 miscellaneous awards from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS), the International Polka Association, the United States Polka Association, the United Polka Boosters and the United Polka Association.The Versatones career highlights include Eddie Blazonczyk Sr's National Heritage Fellowship induction, the country's most prestigious honor in the folk and traditional arts, presented by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in 1998, Eddie Blazonczyk Sr's election into the I.P.A. Polka Music Hall of Fame in 1970 and in 1986 the Versatones received a Grammy for their "Another Polka Celebration" album. They hold the distinction of being the only polka band nominated for a Grammy 12 times by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Science since the polka bracket first spun off from the folk category in 1985.The Versatones classic six piece format and multi-influential roots have developed from a mixture of past Rock & Roll experience, Country & Western, Cajun, and Tex-Mex music. But it's the sound which the Versatones have achieved with their six pieces which has modernized polka music.
    Bridgeview, IL - USA

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