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    Artist description
    Michael Hawkes is a singer & songwriter, who plays guitar and piano
    Music Style
    Acoustic Rock - Rock - Folk
    Artist History
    I started playing guitar when I was about nine. I watched Elvis Presleymovies, and played his records over and over. I would stand in front ofour living room window; dressed in scarves, a white jump suit, and mySears Junior Acoustic, and put on shows for the neighbor kids. I canremember spending hours listening to Johnny Cash, Chet Atkins, and theBeatles. I'm not sure just where I got them, but I was given a verylarge record collection when I was very young. Listening to them was myfavorite thing to do as a kid.As I got older I discovered the electric guitar, (thanks to Eddie VanHalen). From about twelve years to seventeen years old, I was convincedI was going to be a rock star. After reality set in, and the world ofwork and responsibility closed in around me, I gave up on any dreams oflong hair and power chords. I sold all my electric gear when I gotmarried, and purchased a respectable acoustic, an Ibanez Lonestar. Istarted to listen to new influences during this period. John Denver, LeoKottke, Jim Croce, Ry Cooder; They showed me the possibilities theacoustic guitar held. I found that sitting with my guitar and writingsongs was something I truly loved.For a number of years, I would write a bunch of tunes, throw 'em ontape, and give the family copies. There came a time though, whenfinancial matters took precedence, and I sold my guitar. A few yearslater, around the time of our anniversary, my wife said she had to run tothe store for a few things. When she got back, she asked if I would goout to the car and bring the items in. I was very surprised to find ashiny new hardshell guitar case in the back of the car, instead ofgroceries. I was flabbergasted however, when I opened the case andfound that it contained a Martin, my dream guitar.Once again I started writing and recording, this time getting heavy intoBob Dylan. I threw out my picks, and proceeded to teach myself some formof fingerstyle technique. I began to play more for family gatherings,and spent more time developing and practicing the songs I was writing.This brings me to where I am today. With the positive feedback from myloving family, The helping hand of a fellow musician, and the desire toshare my music, I feel I am living out my dream.
    Electric guitar, accoustic guitar, piano & keyboards, harmonica
    Well Strung, With Eyes Wide, Southbound(due Winter 2000)
    Tucson, AZ - USA

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