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    Artist description
    Monophobe is intended to be a songwriting project/collaboration, rather than a recording and performing band. Still, the name is used to describe the "band" that has recorded the demos. To sum it up, Monophobe is NOT a band wanting a recording contract, but more a pair of songwriters, Angelo Cannavo and Erik K. Veland, wishing to promote their songs to bands and/or musicpublishers. Angelo Cannavo has long been an amateur songwriter, writing both melody and lyrics to numerous songs through the years. When Erik K. Veland came along and showed him a lyric ("Repetition") he had written, Cannavo offered to write a melody to it. Both were so pleased with the result, Cannavo, because he found it inspiring to write music to words he had not penned himself, and Veland for finding a suitable musical "expression" for his lyrics. Although Cannavo have had a hand in writing some of the lyrics, Veland is the lyricist in Monophobe, while Cannavo is the melody maker. Veland himself is a musican making computer based music, and the track "X-tsy" is a song where he has made the track from a vocal sample provided by Cannavo. But this is the exeption rather than the rule, Cannavo being the one recording the demos at home on his analogue 4-Track Tascam Porta03mkII Ministudio. He is the one performing on these recordings. In a way, he is Monophobe, being the actual performer. But Monophobe is much more than making demos of the songs. Artwork for the demo CD, Monophobe's web-page, and additional promotion is handled by Veland, who is a creative force and a capable Mac Graphic Designer. Monophobe, as the name reveals, has a varied musical expression ranging from pop/rock to more alternative stuff and jungle. Some of the songs may be catchy, and some of the songs are not. Some titles are: "Repetition", "On My Way", "Depression" and "A Good Memory".
    Music Style
    Pop/Rock/Alternative and some electronic
    Musical Influences
    Paul McCartney, Blur, Oasis
    Similar Artists
    None, one said we sounded a bit like Nine Inch Nails though.
    Group Members
    Angelo Cannavo (music/words) and Erik K. Veland (words)
    Guitars, Keyboard, Computer programming
    Arrows & Drawings (demo CD)
    Additional Info
    Buy our CD! Download mp3s! Instant play sucks!
    Bergen, - - Norway

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