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    Artist description
    “mle.” a modern rock band from Nashville, TN. Blending distorted guitars into a balance of ambient wash along with heavily melodic bass lines, aggressive drumming, and pop sensible vocals, into a realm of bloody tension where the focus is emotionally direct and undeniable. The band is clearly staring directly into the face of modern music. With all of the elements intact, “mle.” takes a refreshing look into sculpting the future of modern rock.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Failure, Tool, Hum, Catherine Wheel, My Bloody Valentine, Incubus, Radiohead
    Similar Artists
    A Perfect Circle, Failure, Tool
    Artist History
    The vision of “mle.” initially began with guitarist Timothy Nobles . Timothy later met bass player J Voyles at a local college where, while skipping class to go play guitar, talks of a musical vision began. The duo of Voiles and Nobles immediately formed the first round of songs and made several experimental recordings in Tim’s bedroom with various drummers and guitar players. In January of 2000, the music of “mle.” began to take a more aggressive approach with the addition of drummer Shane Crocker, and guitarist Joseph Weir. Crocker and Weir brought a new sense of power and direction to the already evolving sonics explored by Nobles and Voyles. The four piece began to feverishly write and independently record their instrumental demos while they continued to search for a vocalist that could complete the puzzle of “mle.” After months of auditions and meetings with several potential candidates, Jason Ronquillo brought his unique brand of singing and lyricism into the band. The next several months saw the development of vocal and melodic ideas that would complete the sound that we recognize to be “mle.” Ronquillo’s lyric concepts share a delicate balance of allusive word craftsmanship while remaining accessible. His vocal strength and lyrical emotion layer a pop sensibility over the ambient wash and wall of sonic distortion that is “mle.” “mle.” continues to form a new breed of listeners with their unique blend of such modern rock influences as Catherine Wheel, Failure, Tool, My Bloody Valentine, Incubus, Hum, Radiohead, A Perfect Circle… Their undeniable live shows slam heavily into the audience, offering no apologies, and accepting no excuses to what the listener will feel. Accompanied by an ever evolving catalog of independent recordings, “mle.’” is awakening people everywhere to a sound that is modern rock.
    Group Members
    Jason Ronquillo (vocals), Timothy Nobles (Guitar), Joseph Weir (Guitar), JJ Voyles (Bass), Shane Crocker (Drums)
    random thoughts (EP)
    Nashville, TN - USA

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