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jeff rackley (aka spoons)

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    Artist description
    spoons is a "band in a box" made up of samples, acoustic and electronic instruments, spoken word, found sound, and other things that seem to fit into the structures at that time. Theses structures combine both improvisation and composition in various degrees. The "band" as it were is masterminded by jeff rackley, artist, sound designer, and live recordist for Eyedrum: a gallery/performance space located in downtown Atlanta.
    Music Style
    avant garde/experimental/progressive
    Musical Influences
    jazz, free jazz, modern classical, electronic, film music
    Similar Artists
    zappa, xenakis, king crimson, john zorn, and lots of classic Blue Note and Riverside artists
    Artist History
    spoons can be traced back to 1988 at the Savannah College of Art & Design, where Jeff was a painting major (BFA 1990) and a member of 2 bands: one a Goth-Death band called Sunday School, the other a blues band called the EROK Trio. It was at SCAD that Jeff met other artists/musicians with similar interests in jazz, avant garde classical and free jazz, film music, punk and noise rock. While attending SCAD Jeff experimented with tape, and various methods of composition, and was introduced to music composition on the computer. Relocating to Atlanta in 1991, the idea for spoons took further shape through collaboration with other artists/musicians, specifically those using sampling and computer technology.
    Group Members
    Jeff Rackley with various guest appearances
    various instruments and samples
    atlanta, ga - USA

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