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    Artist description
    It's a computer and a guy doing stuff. It's also a mix of techno, trance, and electronica. There's a touch of drum and bass, and some very nice artwork as well. We really are a nice bunch of people who you'd really like and you'll love the Skylab17 sound.
    Music Style
    Drum and Bass, Electronica and Progessive Electronica
    Musical Influences
    New Order, The Church, Spice Girls, the Cult, Morrisey, Oscar Wilde
    Similar Artists
    Skylab17 Skylab17 Depeche Mode Skylab17 Subpopmachinegunexplosion
    Artist History
    Well, 2000 was a year most kind to the Skylab17 Project, with the greatest Christmas gift of all...a number 1 single in the Australia Seasonal/Holiday Charts (and peaking at #14 in the Australia Pop/Rock charts) for the Skylab17 Christmas Carol. Woo yeah.
    Group Members
    A guy, a computer and a cat. I'm Dr$teve2 (I am a real doctor, and I'm also a real $teve, so put that in your pipe and smoke it DrDre). The cat is named Bert. He's the programmer. The difference between working with a cat and a human is that the cat cannot be trusted to get take out when you're working a long night. I mean, he'll order a double pidgeon and a side of lizards, and forget to get my pepsi max and fries everytime. The computer is named Rattata, and he's a feisty little Toshiba laptop. He does the technical stuff like the MP3 formatting and the uploading. Me? My role in the band is to make the magic happen. This means I just wave my hands and look good. It's easy being this easy and good being this good. Unlike most arrogant people, I'm as good as I say I am at being humble, and I'm damn good at being modest as well. It's just that I have no reason to be modest or humble so most people never see that side of me.
    A mouse, a hard drive, an attitude
    Brisbane, QLD - Australia

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