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    Artist description
    Project 1 plays a unique fusion of nowadays'traditional' rock and pop, well stirred andmixed with techno, hiphop beats, and spicedwith flavors of new wave.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Techno - Rock - Eighties New Wave
    Artist History
    Project 1 started somewhere in 1996 out of a desire to create a completely different kind of music. Until then the people behind the band had been playing in different 'oldschool' guitar rock bands, and were getting tired of the music they had been playing for years. They set the guitars (except for the bass guitar) and the drums aside andbought synthesizers and a drum computer instead. Although the band wasn't more than three people, the first years of Project 1 (a name chosen in order to point out therupture with the musical past) were characterized by internal discussions about the style of music to be played. Despite the original intentions behind the project the 'back tothe roots desire' has never left the band and for their second release the band decided to reintroduce the guitar sound. At this time the music is built around a concept whichcombines the structure of the more traditional rock song (with choruses, verses and a bridge or even a solo) with manifest influences of nowadays techno and hiphop beatsand sounds. Even with the comeback of the guitar - for live performance an extra guitar player joined the band - the predominance of a synthesizer sound was deliberatelykept. At the moment the band's sound strongly expresses - in a positive way - the musical differences between the band members. The last demo was elected 'Demo of the week'by Belgian's national Radio Station 'Studio Brussel' shortly after its release at the beginning of this year.
    Group Members
    Didier - VocalsLuc - BassJan - Synths and programmingDirk - Guitar
    Guitar, Bass, Synthesizers and keyboard, drum computers
    Exit (1997), Demo Y2000 (2000)
    Leuven, Brabant - Belgium

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