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    Artist description
    The word ENSLAVIOR was created by Jim as a term to convey society's over-dependence on religion, drugs, money, sex, government and technology. It reflects the double-edged nature of institutions and supposed advances that promise to make our lives easier, yet take away the very freedom they appear to offer.ENSLAVIOR music contains solid riffs, deliberate tempo and meter changes, and powerful melodies that appeal to high-energy music fans. We're working on material for a new recording, to follow our first CD "Uncivil Liberty". We continue to play shows in Sonoma County and throughout the Bay Area. We've made dozens of cool graphic flyers to promote our gigs, which evoke tremendous feedback from our fans about them and the power of our live shows.C
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    metal, heavy metal, death metal, speed metal, black metal, grunge, punk, rock
    Similar Artists
    Judas Priest, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Tool, Megadeth, Cannibal Corpse
    Artist History
    Jim Berry (vocals), R. Charan Pagan (guitar), Frank Raab (guitar) and John Hargis (drums) assembled in the summer of 1997 with the intention of forming a dynamic and successful new metal band. By October we had several original songs and were ready to play shows - uh, except for one small detail: we had no bass player. Rather than waiting to find a bass player we decided to start doing shows without bass guitar under the name "Born Again Pagan". Since the band wasn't fully formed we decided to change our name each show rather than deciding on something permanent. Each time we performed we toyed with the word "Pagan", and over the next couple of months we were known as Pagan Love Slave, Magnificent Pagan Beast, Pagan Sex God, Pagan Funeral and Pagan Prophet. Jason "Biscuit" Bousquet joined the band in April of 1998 and proved himself worthy by learning all of our songs in just a couple of weeks. Our first show as ENSLAVIOR was on May 15th, 1998. In 1999, Laguan Hayes replaced Jason on a part-time basis, and John moved to Washington (where he enjoys married life and a new job). So we acquired Drummin' Dave Ostwald from the East Bay metal outfit K.A.I.N. (Down Factor). A couple months down the road, in early 2000, we also took on Nick Bacigalupi as our full-time bass axe man. The year 2001 brought another major change in the line-up, when Russ announced his migration to Los Angeles. So Steve Barnoski stepped up to the plate and within a month learned the set for our May 22nd gig at the Inn of the Beginning, Cotati. Steve's now a full-time member who brings new energy to our group.
    Group Members
    Big Jim Berry (vocals), Drummin' Dave Ostwald (drums), Frank Raab (guitar), Nick Bacigalupi (bass), Steve Barnoski (guitar)))
    bass, drums, guitar, guitar, vocals
    Uncivil Liberty
    Additional Info
    Our promise to all our fans and friends: ENSLAVIOR will never cheese-out like soMe othEr TotAl seLL-out band whIch we Choose not to mention At this time!
    Rohnert Park, CA - USA

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