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    Artist description
    Giant Jerk was born in Midland City, Ohio. Since little in Midland City is really worth much, it naturally exploded all over the map. Giant Jerk, with a homebase at dermusik studios in Orlando, now has sattelites in other locales such as Detroit and Los Angeles. Since the Jerk's membership is spread across the timezones, it goes without saying that every Giant Jerk performance is one-of-a-kind. (Since so very few have actually witnessed two performances by Giant Jerk, we can't really prove this to have any basis in truth.)
    Music Style
    Some call it brilliant, others call it completely unlistenable crap. Maybe they're all right.
    Artist History
    Seems it all began with the chance meeting of two idiot savant types (and diehard Quincy, M.D. fans), Jan Rigket and Thaddeus Floodgate, in Midland City. Floodgate noticed a certain lilt to Rigket's speech and appreciated the savant’s ability to speak at great length about everything and nothing all at the same time. Busting out a ukulele he had pulled from a trashcan earlier that day, Floodgate suggested Rigket improvise lyrics over his quasi-musical stylings. It was with this bold move that the first Giant Jerk song “she should have used birth control” was born and a legacy spawned. Despite their absolute lack of talent or star quality, the boys began to acquire a small yet devoted fan base, and found increasing demand for public performance of some of their more listener friendly songs. Soon the boys were paying the sound guy at the local musician’s co-op to let them play in front of their friends and a few drunken stragglers. It soon became clear to the boys that in order to achieve the true sound of the Jerk, they needed to expand the line up. So being the resourceful fellows they are, Floodgate and Rigket went straight to the St. Vincent de Paul Home for Wayward Men, and it was here, after many auditions and many return visits that they met their musical salvation, Jaime Legato. After many months of failed attempts at luring Legato into the fold of the Jerk, they were about to give up when an offhanded comment from Rigket about Legato being “more stubborn than Quincy” revealed Legato’s shared secret love for TV’s best damn forensic scientist. The friendship was cemented forever. Not content to stop there, Legato introduced the savants to a bevy of similarly untalented shlocks, and from among them Legato, Floodgate and Rigket hand selected the most offensive of the lot. The boys weeded out the unworthy by making the selected endure through grueling, repeated listenings of the entire recorded history of the jerk. Competition was fierce and only the strong survived. Among the survivors were the multi talented Shirc Real and the perpetually groggy Stue Trory. With the new line up complete, the band began 16 years of intensive writing, recording, sleeping off hangovers, touring, and Quincy watching, creating what has come to be known in small circles of bottom feeding, uninformed music listeners as the most/least impressive and ever growing catalog of completely unlistenable crap. ENJOY.
    Group Members
    Jan Rigket, Thaddeus Floodgate, Jaime Legato, Shirc Real, Stue Trory, Tito Gozinya
    whatever is lying around
    Sculptor of Irrelevancy (1998), Four-Eyed Vision (1999), Best of Me (1999), Griddlehand (2000)
    Press Reviews
    "Who in the hell are you guys? Get out of this office with that box of ferrets!" - The Orlando Sentinel; "Make sure this wastepaper basket gets emptied tonight, Miguel." - The Dayton Daily News; "Ugh...someone's frying bologna..." - Detroit Free Press; "A tour-de-force! A triumph! If you see one movie this summer, 'Wild Wild West' is the the one!" - The Los Angeles Times
    Orlando, FL - USA

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