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Static : :

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    Artist description
    A little bit of everything. Static Prone covers hard rock/punk sounds while still maintaining a melodic side. A wide variety of potent lyrics and fresh guitars.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Third Eye Blind, Jim Eat World, Goo Goo Dolls, Blink 182, Foo Fighters, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Weezer, Green Day,
    Similar Artists
    A mix between Third Eye Blind, Green Day, and Goo Goo Dolls with our own variation of punk melody.
    Artist History
    The band was originally formed by Sean and Scott, in 1999 and started as a garage strictly upstairs deal. Sean turned to a childhood friend, Tyler, for all vocals and lyric writing. The band began playing cover songs for many months, until they recorded a rough cut of their hopeful first single, "Shouldn't Stay". Realizing the need for a second guitar, Chris was then added. The band name STATIC : : PRONE derived from many weeks of brainstorming, yet finally, Tyler came up with this cool sounding title. The band was originally called "PEZHED". Chris began playing with, and recording the original songs(meanwhile adding synth drums), until a drummer Josh was found. Chris later left his active role in the band. Josh has also officialy left the band. Ryan and Marty(brothers) joined for a stint, with Marty on drums, and Ryan playing trumpet, backup-vocals, and guitar. They both left due to previos responsablities. After using two other drummers for recent preformances, Static Prone may have found a permanent member, in Tyler's friend, Nick. Static Prone is now working on their first CD, which is hopeful to be released within the coming months.Tracks are to include, "Sucker", "Nevermind This", House That Jack Built", "When the Light Hits the Room", and many more. Test your Static knowledge with th Static Prone online quiz at
    Group Members
    Tyler(lyricist/Vocals)Writes amazing lyrics in a supprisingly short amount of time. Tyler began his rock quest early, writing songs when he was just 5 years old. Sean:(guitar) Writes most of the instrument music. Was one of the original founders of the band. Scott(bass) Amazing musician, couldn't play before the band, learned in late 1999. Writes most of his bass parts. One of the original founders. Nick Fuller(drums):New guy to the group. Learned all of the songs very quickly for a gig. Also is in charge of recording.
    2 Fender Strats, a P-Bass, and some drums
    Currently Recording debut album
    Press Reviews
    "(When The Light Hits The Room) is a haunting melodic rock song, tame enough to get the point across, and still bold enough. Static Prone Achieves status with this peaceful suttle ballad." - Rock Inquirer "Static Prone triumphantly delivers a haunted rock song" Vannesa Reyes, CA; Static Prone Thanks these cool kids for giving us awesome feedback.
    Additional Info
    Purchase Merchandise by emailing catalog requests to
    Temecula, California - USA

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