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    Artist description
    "The Silos have a fresh sound that can win overfans of old Rock, new Rock, and everything inbetween."--People Magazine
    Artist History
    "Some day we'll brag about seeing The Silos to ourgrandchildren. They're that good," wrote editor ofMusician Magazine Bill Flanagan. This was in 1988,the same year the band won the Rolling StoneCritics Poll for Best New American Band. Ten yearsand four Silos and various offshoot CDs later, theband is still on track, delivering the heartfelt andenergetic performances they have become knownfor. Of the band, People Magazine wrote, "The Siloshave a fresh sound that can win over fans of oldRock, new Rock, and everything in between." UK'sSounds added, "The Silos are potential popstars...They have the longevity of Neil Young, thetense nervous veneer of Television, and the tunefulpanache of a Cole Porter lyric."The New York Times said that "The Silos representalternative rock at its most compelling. The band'saustere style inflicts the astringent twang of TheVelvet Underground with the drone of R.E.M. andadds countryish echoes that recall Gram Parsons.Mr. Salas-Humara, whose enigmatic lyrics are soplain-spoken that they have oracular overtones,said he would rather not explain his songs becausehe found his own experience of music diminishedafter being told what was in the songwriter's mind."The same day Bill Perry exclaimed in theGainesville Free Press, "This band kicks more buttthan buckshot in a turkey shoot!"The band is fronted by singer and guitarist WalterSalas-Humara. His songs and delivery provide theband's earthy and honest soul. For Salas-Humara,one can cite everything from the musical gatheringsof his expatriate Cuban family to The VelvetUnderground to Big Star. Paul Iorio of CashBoxwrites that his work "is noted for its casualbrilliance, its offhand catchiness, its ability to bemarvelously artful without being arty," and L.A.Weekly's Robert Lloyd waxes that Salas-Humara'ssongs are "as straightforward, physically affectingand musically uncompromising as can be foundanywhere in the American pop underground."The new album Heater is an even funkier stew thanusual, driven by greasy grooves, eliptical loops,and lots of noisy guitar & keyboard effects, allbrought into earth's orbit by Salas-Humara's uniquevocal stylings and cinematic lyrics.
    Press Reviews
    It has been 12 years since the Silos were voted the"Best New American Band" in Rolling Stone's 1987Critics Poll. The Silos were too prickly and droningto ever become the next big thing, but they werealso too smart and seductive to ever be abandonedby their loyal following. So they have endured tomake a sixth album, "Heater," which contains allthe above qualities. The sluggish tempos, thebristling guitar riffs and the weary, bleak vocalsmake it difficult to approach the songs, but onceyou do you notice how elegant the submergedmelodies and guitar figures are and how tellinglythe lyrics capture the frustrations of adulthood.-- Geoffrey HimesThe Washington Post
    New York, NY - USA

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