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    Artist description
    Christian based power pop trio.
    Music Style
    Power Pop
    Musical Influences
    Buddy Holly, The Ramones, C.S. Lewis & Bill Cosby
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    Artist History
    Some bands were destined to be formed. A quick look through the annals of rock music would reveal groups that it seemed the hands of fate put together. Out there in the swirling cosmos, the powers that be culled together talent from the most unlikely places to form some of the most influential bands of all times. Well....I don’t know about the hands of fate, or the swirling cosmos either, but I do know that Oldmangrady were no stinkin’ accident. This band was sent here by God to do great things, trust me, I know. And I ain’t just sayin’ that cuz’ they paid me to write the blurb for their web page, I really mean it. But before I dispense with the accolades, I guess a little background info would be helpful to those of you who haven’t had the privilege of meeting these wonderful gentlemen yet.As best we can tell, Oldmangrady formed the day Lee Modlin and Phil Sabella met each other, although it was a few weeks before they really got the ball rolling. Phil had recently completed a stint in Puddleglum, after forsaking the dreaded Wilson heavy metal scene following his acceptance of Christ. Lee was a musical wanderer, who felt as if he was doomed to stroll the wastelands of Nash county forever, never able to hear the sweet sound of applause again. Both of them had the desire to play in a ministry-based group that sought to do the will of God. They were also adamant about finding the highest caliber musicians available to put their plan into motion. Unfortunately, most of the “high caliber” players had long since left the area, so Lee and Phil were left with the grueling task of finding just the right combination of players to complement their unique style.Originally, Lee and Phil were to be accompanied by a bright young guitarist named Anthony Johnson, who had achieved notoriety years earlier in the fledgling rap act Christ Denomination, alongside a young Britt Edwards (Puddleglum). But, as fate would have it, Phil and Lee soon found themselves alone and frantically searching for the missing pieces to their musical puzzle. A forgotten ad at Raleigh’s MARS music soon introduced the dynamic duo to Scott Hardesty, a trail-blazing percussionist, whose Rush-influenced drum licks left Lee and Phil salivating at the possibilities in front of them.After briefly flirting with the idea of a “Hootie-meets-REM” with Christian lyrics, the trio decided to explore the world of punk-influenced power-pop. They concluded that the first idea would require too many different instruments and would be too derivative of many CCM bands that were already getting exposure. Plus, they couldn’t find a real guitarist and had thrust Lee into that role at gunpoint. After several weeks of intense negotiations, Lee was convinced that he was capable enough to handle the guitar duties. Besides, most of their songs were in G, C and D, so he only had to learn a few chords to get by.In the early days, Oldmangrady rehearsed at Phil’s church in downtown Wilson. It is because of this, that they acquired the name which you all have been wondering about. Phil’s preacher, a lovable fellow we’ll refer to henceforth as Pastor King, told our bright-eyed ministers that they were free to practice as long as the neighbors had no objections. A quick survey of the surrounding houses yielded an elderly fellow straight out of “Sanford & Son”. The resemblance was so uncanny that the threesome decided unanimously to christen the band in honor of Fred Sanford’s best pal, Grady. Inevitably, a few folks questioned the moniker, after all, what did it have to do with Jesus, or the Bible, or anything remotely Christian? Their response was best summed up by Phil when he unwittingly reminded someone that Audio Adrenaline wasn’t the most Biblical name he’d ever heard either. And besides, all the good “Bible” names like Bleach and Skillet and Plumb were already taken, so Oldmangrady it was.From the very start, Oldmangrady were determined to make it doing an all original set. They had come to the conclusion that in order to maintain their integrity, no cover songs would be performed. The chance for personal ministry was much greater when the songs came from the heart, not the Top 40 charts. In addition to that, most of the covers they had considered contained chords that Lee had never even dreamed of. So they set about the task of writing solid songs. They did, however, agree to incorporate assorted praise and worship choruses into their set. Not only would they prepare the audience for a time of worship, most were in G, C and D and Lee could play them.After putting together a nice set, Oldmangrady made its debut at The Ark in Wilmington, on a stormy Friday evening. The show went well, considering the usual technical mishaps and what-not, and it seemed our trio was well on its way. They performed several more times in the next couple of months, each time presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music and message. And like the TV commercials say, “It don’t get no better than this.” They recorded five songs for a CD and began to make plans for the future. Then suddenly, Scott, realizing that he still had work to do with his former band, Asbury Lane, made the announcement that he would be leaving the group. This was on the heels of the tightest performance the band had ever given, so needless to say, Lee and Phil were crushed. Phil took it especially hard, and spent the next several days locked in the bedroom with a box of Fig Newtons begging his wife to make the pain go away. But the old man’s work wasn’t done yet, so Lee coaxed Phil out and they began the search for a replacement. After a brief trial with a second drummer and a second guitarist, things seemed pretty dismal. Lee, after successfully pulling Phil from depression’s clutches, freaked out and pulled a Brian Wilson. He lost himself in his work and his ever-growing cynicism, only to find himself drawn more and more away from the band. After a not too brilliant unplugged set, Lee decided that he had had enough. He and Phil decided to take a break and veg out until things looked brighter. Oldmangrady, it seemed, had suffered a major coronary and died.Months passed, times changed, weight was gained, and Lee slowly emerged from the cocoon he’d woven for himself. The idea of regrouping with Phil took forefront in his mind. After several weeks of begging, pleading and pistol-whipping, he convinced Phil to get the band back together. They began the search for a drummer and decided to let God work things out. Lee and Phil also acquired the funds to release the five song CD they had recorded with Scott the year before. A limited edition was produced with the help of local computer whiz Jason Williams. The result was a nice debut EP that could be used to shop the band around.While putting the CD together, the search for a drummer seemed to be going nowhere. Phil continued to make calls and Lee sat around saying, “God will find us someone.” As it turns out, God already had someone in mind, Lee and Phil just didn’t know it. Names were swapped, phone calls were made, prayers were screamed at the heavens, and then one day, out of the blue....Joe Knowles showed up on Phil’s doorstep with a note saying, “Will you please be my band?” Well....that’s not exactly how it went, but anyways, Joe hit it off real swell with the guys and the three off them decided to make a go of it. They immediately began rehearsals and set their sights on the future. After a trial show with some local bands, Joe made the decision to become a permanent member of the group.It truly baffles me how this God we got can do such crazy stuff. I mean, look at these guys, God put the three of them together to do some cool things. They don’t even know how they got here, just ask them. I know that they are just as baffled as the rest of us, how the God of all creation could pick the three of them to do His work. But you know, that’s the cool thing about this God we got, you don’t have to be some superstar million dollar rock star for Him to use you, you just got to be willing. There may be better rock stars than Lee and Phil and Joe, but their hearts are in the right place, and they know where they’re going. Do you?
    Group Members
    Lee Modlin - Guitars & Vocals - Phil Sabella - Bass Joe Knowles - Drums
    Guitar, Bass & Drums
    Wilson, NC - USA

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