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    Artist description
    Grievace is a to-member band. They hire musicians to help them with keybords in studio, and session-musicians to help them perfomace live. All music is made by Grievance.
    Music Style
    Dark-Symphonic blackmetal
    Musical Influences
    Arcturus, King Diamond, Emperor, Dissection, Samael, Dream Theater
    Similar Artists
    Emperor, Dissection, Samael, In Flames, Borkagaard, Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, Ark, Dream Theater
    Artist History
    Grievance signed a long-term deal with HNF early in 1998 after ahighly acclaimed demo that was recorded in X-Ray (a studiowhich among other things has recorded early material by acts asCovenant, Ragnarok, Troll, Kampfar, etc.), Sarpsborg in Decem-ber‘97. HNF thought that the quality was extremely good so itwas decided that it should be released as a CD EP in wait for thetheir first full length.The band spent most of early ‘98 to prepare the songs for theiralbum "The Phantom Novels". The band was ready to record inthe summer and after some discussion it was decided that theSwedish Studio Fredman would be the best for this dynamic duo.Studio Fredman should be known for being where «legends» likeAt The Gates, Haunted, Arch Enemy, Hammerfall, In Flames,etc. have recorded classic albums. Another interesting thing isthat Grievance was the first Norwegian band to record there. Theband brought with them Pål Espen Johanessen from X-Ray toadd the majestetic synth pieces on the record. Also other well-known people joined in, AndresFriden lend his voice to three tracks. He is usually singing in the band In Flames, and he was theone taking care of the production. Also Jesper Strømblad (also In Flames) added some of histrademark guitar sequences. The end result "The Phantom Novels" is groundbreaking, althoughthe album bears a lot of similarities with black metal, this is not the case. This band is A LOT more.We at HNF would like to call it DARK PROGRESSIVE METAL - maybe like a mix of the Swedishdeath metal sound and black metal. Adding a lot of variety on their album like clean vocals,powerful synth parts and mind-blowing METAL!!!
    Group Members
    Robert Bordevik & Vegar Bakken
    Lead guitar, rhytm guitar, bass, drums, keyboard and both blackmetal and clean vocal
    The Phantom Novels, Grievance (self titled demo)
    Press Reviews
    ” was very surprised when I first heard this album. I ordered it, not knowing what they sounded like. Later on, I found out that this album contains guest musicians from In Flames (guitarist and vocalist). I must admit that this is much better than In Flames, me not being a big fan. Grievance I believe is from Norway, and they would be considered by me to be a blackened death band. The blast-beats are kept to minimum, but the drumming is excellent. In fact the musicianship on the whole is very good. The keyboards are very memorable, I find myself humming the melodies in my head all of the time, so obviously this CD gets a lot of play-time. The vocals are not of the black metal sort, but more a growl most of the time. The bass is loud, which I don't usually like, but for some reason it all just fits on this album. Opeth fans would be impressed with this band, and if you like Opeth but don't like the long, boring acoustic parts (which I happen to like, I just think they're boring sometimes), then definitely check these guys out!” - Amazon
    Oslo, Oslo - Norway

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