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    Artist description
    There's a lot of excellent music being written today, in all genres. We all enjoy our favorite types of music, and our favorite tunes, but let's be honest about it - how many endless Jazz solos can one listen to? At what point does loud guitar cease to be energizing, and start to sound...well, just loud? How long does it take before the Classical music you love to hear on the radio becomes so much muzak mush to your ears? Has the limited palette of Country music ever made you long for some undiscovered "wide open spaces"? The point is: everyone needs a change from time to time, whatever his or her listening habits may be. Every now and then, we all need something that's...Different (with a capital D!) - but not so Different that it feels alien or forbidding. Rather, we want fresh ideas about what music can be - inventive concepts, avoidance of formula, risk-taking. Oh, we'll always crave melodies that refuse to leave the mind, and harmonies that somehow sound familiar and yet original. But if we can find something that's inviting and attractive upon first hearing, and then discover unexpected levels of meaning thereafter, then we've entered the realm of "something special". That's what I constantly try to achieve - a blend of personality and hooks, with no limits as to where things might end up. In sum, it's music for those who dare to be...Different! Thanks for listening, and please feel free to e-mail your comments and reactions to me - whatever they may be!
    Music Style
    A little bit of anything and everything - nothing is out of bounds.
    Musical Influences
    Everything I've ever heard (and liked).
    Similar Artists
    My goal is to sound like no one else, but I do admire Zappa, Bartok, Stravinsky, John Adams, Debussy, Beatles, Jack Bruce, YES, Traffic, Alanis, Sting, and Joni, to name a few.
    A little Art is good for you (1999)
    Press Reviews
    "...crisp, convincing, and engaging...Jack Gray is obviously a very skilled pianist, and this piece illustrates how capable he is of making the instrument express a story." - "..."Commercials Julienne" demonstrates that this man will forever be young at heart, and always willing to sell out to the popular media." -
    Additional Info
    Previous album: All Over The Map (1998)
    Phoenix, Arizona - USA

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