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    Artist description
    Music Style
    Trance, Techno, Deep Dub, Darkwave, Psycho-Sample-delic.
    Musical Influences
    Props to A-Dogg, Jack & Roxella VanImpe, Keoki, Bob Kelly, PK Studios, Negativland, not god, Heatseeker, John Brunner, Joe Haldeman, Neil Stephenson, Gene Wolfe, Gamivia Duke, Nicolai Tesla, Captain Zoom, J. Berkowitz, neurotron606, William Shaun, Mom, Chuck Woolery, Rod Serling, Brian Yunza, Popular Science, David Fincher, Sonic Foundry, Didier Dambrin, Neil Mumby, David H. Vernon, Terry Gilliam, Tony Randel, Dan (for beta testing), Science Fiction Age Magazine, Sound, Data Becker
    Similar Artists
    Negativland, Transwave, Skinny Puppy, Dust Brothers
    Artist History
    The planetary defense system protecting the home world of S'Kant! had been designed on the central premise that any invader would attempt to take the planet whole. Several descending rings of hundreds of defensive laser satellites rendered any large scale assault from space a futility, while miles of hardened bunkers, anti-air defenses, and secure trenches surrounding S'Kant!'s capital city mooted the possibility of a ground assault. It was this problem that confronted the Sleestak in its quest to destroy the rule of the Seventh Lord Pantocreator and the harmony of the Adelphi Sphere. However, the Sleestak formulated a plan daring in its audacity and unthinkable in execution. Several lightyears from S'Kant! thousands of Sleestak labored over an immense starship stripping it of all but the most essential drive and navigation systems. They accelerated the cruiser onto a collision course with S'Kant!. Almost fifteen Earth years later, the starship collided with the S'Kant! homeworld at just under one-sixth the speed of light. The resulting release of energy pushed the planet from its orbit where it fissioned into a second star. Locked in decaying orbit with the system's true sun the twin stars eventually fell into one another creating a colossal gravity well that distorted the very fabric of space and time itself. The black hole that remains is to this day swallowing the solar system and neighboring systems as it feeds upon mass and energy. Even the bloodthirsty Sleestak were somewhat nonplussed by the enormous destruction they had wrought and turned their attention to erasing the lessons of their atrocity from the volumes of galactic history. It was for this reason that they sought the Seventh Pantocreator's most trusted advisors and historians - DJ.MNP & SKIN. Alas, the Sleestak were two late. The pair had already been secreted into the distant past of the 21st century utilizing the artifact technology of an ageless and mysterious alien race known only as The Founders. From there, MNP & SKIN were to begin transcribing the first Pan-Galactic War into sonic experiences that could be readily understood by the Primitive Peoples. Because INFOMERCIAL's work survived to the present day we know that they succeeded.
    Group Members
    DJ.MNP, Skin
    Nanotropic Multi-Forge
    Infomercial, Zero Population Growth Plus One, Space Capsule B
    Tampa, FL - USA

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