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    Artist description
    Finger is a rock band in the true sense of the word. Big guitar sound, boomy bass, pounding drums, and intense vocals. The way it was meant to be, you know? The Wisconsin-based band formed in early '96, and since their inception have played some groovy shows, developed a legion of devoted fans, and recorded an ass-kicking self-titled debut CD. Remember the days when bands had ALBUMS of material? When you turned on the radio, and maybe heard a B-side cut, rather than the hit single that the label decided was what you were going to like? You used to listen to the whole album, because the songs were varied, interesting, dynamic.... ...Does this ring any bells for you? If it does, then Finger is your kind of band. Intense hard rock, soaring vocals, big guitar hooks, emotional rock ballads, all in the quiet college town of Madison, Wisconsin. Who'd a thunk it!?
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Melissa Etheridge, U2, Collective Soul, Led Zep, Janis Joplin
    Similar Artists
    Collective Soul
    Artist History
    Finger originally formed in 1996 with a male front person. The band's mission was to bring modern rock to the then sleepy college town of Madison, which was inundated with big hair and spandex clad 80's rock mongers. Soon after forming, the band's current frontperson, Tracy, entered into the picture. The band was itching to get serious about writing their own music, and the Finger we now know & love was born.Their first demo was recorded in the Spring of '97 at the infamous Smart Studios (owned by Garbage founder, Butch Vig). Within 2 weeks of completion, the song "Number One" was receiving air play on Madison's active rock radio station WJJO (94.1fm). Mere weeks after that, the band played at one of Wisconsin's biggest music festivals, Rockfest, along with acts like ZZ Top, Ratt, Boston, Eric Burdon, Kansas, etc. Shortly after Jeremy (bass) joined the band, Finger entered & won the Ernie Ball Battle of the Bands, and went on to represent Wisconsin in the national semi-finals in Denver. With the traveling bug in their brains, the band ventured out to the infamous Sunset Strip in Hollywood for their West Coast debut. The band's debut cd was released in March of '99, to an ample amount of press attention and strong sales. The strength of their live shows has resulted in a recently recorded Madison show that is due to be released in the Summer of Fall of 2000. The band continues to evolve, continues to write, and continues to put on some seriously ass-kicking shows.
    Group Members
    Tracy - VocalsJohnny Finger - Guitars, Guitar SynthesizerJeremy Knackert - Bass, VocalsBob Zeier - Drums, Vocals
    Guitar, Guitar Synthesizer, Bass, Drums, Vocals
    Finger - Finger
    Press Reviews
    "Finger's meteoric rise on the local scene can be traced to their ability to write accessible and catchy crossover rock songs as exquisitely as any of the household names out there." Tracy "can sing a lullaby gently enough to put a baby to sleep - or growl fiercely enough to be the life of a biker party. Quite possibly the finest singer in the business today." D.Kulczyk - Madison Magazine, January 1999"Thoroughly commercial and unabashedly 'heavy,'" Finger delivers a "moody and at times bellicose set of late-90's rawk that often invokes anthem-oriented stars of yesteryear like Heart and Van Halen. ... with luck, (Tracy) and her heavy-duty pipes will also reap some national-level rewards from the latest rock renaissance. ...her band has as good a shot as any at hooking up a sizable portion of the high-dB end of the market." Tom Laskin-The Isthmus, April 2-8, 1999 A modern rock disc that will "appeal to pop, metal, and blues lovers alike." N. Kassulke-Wisconsin State Journal /Capital Times, Thursday March 25, 1999
    Madison, WI - USA

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