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    Artist description
    We're five guys from Montreal, Canada. We rock thats all there really is too it.
    Music Style
    Nu-Metal, Metal Core, HardCore
    Musical Influences
    Deftones, 311, KoRn, Moist, SlipKnot, Taproot, Mudvayne, SpineShank
    Similar Artists
    We have a unique Nu-Metal Sound, Taproot/Moist/Deftones/ Mudvayne
    Artist History
    - Disturbing Peace - Around March 1998 Cederic decided to pick up the guitar. He met up with Angelo in his French class. Angelo had been playing the guitar 3 years more or less. They were not serious about forming a band. They had even called the band Future Impact [kinda as a joke]. Then in September 1998. Angelo and Cederic decided to find a bassist but could not find one. So Cederic knew Peter who was interested in learning the bass. Peter went to the same teacher as Cederic to learn the Bass Guitar. Peter showed great talent. Angelo and Cederic did not think Peter would get so good in one month. Around November 1998 Ang. knew a friend who had been playing the drums since he was 10 years old. Kenny was amazing (still is amazing). No one expected Kenny to be soo good he had been playing since 10 years old. They thought maybe no other band wanted him because he sucked. Kenny was only hiding his talent all this time. October 1998 they all got together at school and thought of a name they came up with the name Enter to Exit. They would get together once in while to practice by December 1998 they got pretty good. They were not happy with the band name so for a few months they had no name. Then they decide to call themselves Disturbing Peace because they had a little run in with the police and the police told them they were disturbing the peace... since about June 1999 they have been called Disturbing Peace. Derek B. Has joined our band. June 2001. He is our other guitarist. Written by: Cederic July 1999
    Group Members
    Angelo - Vocals & Guitar / Peter - Bass Guitar & Backup vocals / Kenny - Drums & Backup vocals / Cederic - Guitar & Backup vocals / Derek - Guitar & Backup Vocals
    Guitars, Bass, and Drums
    On The Brink
    Press Reviews
    We have none
    Montreal, Quebec - Canada

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