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    Artist description
    indipendent german producer team
    Music Style
    what ever flows into our mind
    Musical Influences
    pink floyd, electronic music, alan parsons project, psychedelic music
    Artist History
    The two musicians Dave "Meixner" Rile and David Jordan startedin 1996 the music project Betweenzone. Before they both played in a band together. 1998 Betweenzone released their first full-album"Betweenzone". After three years of creating electronic music , betweenZone goes back to the roots of handmade music. In jan 2000 a new member entered the band. the guitar player east.
    Group Members
    David "Meixner" Rile:vocals, keyboards,piano computer and sound programming and recording.David Maria Jordan: drums-live (yamaha digital drum pads, triggered to a sampler)and drumloop programming.East: guitar and electric bass guitar.
    Guitars, Keyboards , Computers ,Digital drums and Vocals.
    betweenzone (1998), Invasion Planet Earth 1999, Spaceship Sequence303, Disco Popper, zona2000
    Press Reviews
    RAW 42MUSIC REVIEWS FROMSEP8/99's smooth, it flows, it's betweenzone, thesuperheros of or so it seems tome. i don't like to pick on the new guys butwhen we come across clean, flawlesslyexecuted music (ok.. a slight exaggerationbut you know what i mean), we get allexcited and these bands become heros whosave us from the banality of inexperience andcheesy loops. thank you. how we love cleanproduction with smooth, flowing music. intothe jungle is just that. those beautifulbackground pads, squishy melodies,perfectly added sweeps and a quiet and nonassuming but nicely executed beat. all theelements of experience and coolness inmusic. this ambient tribal number has a darkworld flavouring to make the atmospheremuch like a digital version of the rain forest.powerful at times but what i like best is theclean sound. after listening to many newartists with messy production, we come tototally appreciate ones who have experience,it makes all the difference in the world. tribalambient - definitely download material. this ishow i like my trance, repetitive enough to betrance inducing but still progressive and withpowerful background beats. agent future - part 2 (delico-psycho-mix) fits the bill and thedelico-psycho term is accurate. trancemelodies in the background but where it getscool is with the tribalized tones which totallyadd to the cool factor. lots of effects withphasers and sweeps to keep thingsprogressing, trance should always be thisdelicious and because it's so dang tasty, thisnumber gets added to our fave songs atraw42 list. dirty PCP girl ( edit)wasn't a review request but i liked the songtitle and downloaded it on that basis (see?you really can increase downloads withcatchy song titles!). a quiet breakbeat sittingbehind trippy music with all the added ineffects for emphasis. of course, cleanproduction. technicalities aside,betweenzone have the flow deal happeningagain. no messy breaks just one smoothacidic number. same for club tonight, anothercatchy little number from the german duo.and i think one of the raw42 reviewers hasasked this before.... what's with the germanguys anyway? do you all have some kind ofsecret musical formula for making goodtechno over there? house beats mixed in withtrance elements for commercial appeal. notquite as catchy as the masterful agent future- part 2 (delico-psycho-mix) but leaguesahead of most. as with all other betweenzonetracks, well worth your bandwidth.
    Additional Info
    sometimes on ICQ - 40712653
    Lachendorf, Niedersachsen - Germany

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