Hate your job? So do we. This is about everybody in LA who has to crawl out of bed and into a tomb with the promise that things will get better. It’s for us who can’t prioritize our own happiness like we can our business affairs, so we sell it for medical and dental. |
CD: One
Remember the girl who would always wear black, tell you how much life sucks, and blamed everything on society in order for her to seemingly obtain a sense of esoteric self-importance? Well, we raped her. |
CD: One
Credits: (c)2000 - EDGEWiZE |
This song is about the hard-on many people have for being opinionated for the sake of being opinionated. The guy who gains a world view by adhering to the mere surface of extremist right-wing or leftist points of view in order to be baptized into their glorified circle jerk. We raped him too. |
CD: One
Credits: (c)2000 - EDGEWiZE |