I'm sure you get enuff tricks! Now, hows a-bout a treat ;) |
Credits: matt toscani |
corners: a place for structures to meet then become consciously forgotten. |
Credits: matt toscani |
This is my car. No seriously, it is. HAHAHAA. I made all the beats using my '96 Honda Civic. I love my car. I love traveling. So, i am driven..to express it musically. So, sit back and InJoy da ride. (AND, Feel free to be a backseat driver on this one...Add yer own lyrics...sing your own song to this one...that's what it's hear for...for YOU). PS.. I scrapped the lyrics to this version...somethings are better left unsaid! : x |
Credits: matt toscani |
this is for the lil' dirty pervert that lives in our closets ;) Oh, get over it and just listen and laugh! |
Credits: matt toscani |
a curious....experimental....searching...........unknowing desire for sound. |
Credits: matt toscani |
In between the sleeping, eating, and reading; there is music making in the bedrooms of many. These bedrooms serve as battlegrounds for the rebellion of standard radio play. The troops (ie. Akufen, Matmos/Soft Pink Truth, Severed Heads) have traveled, searched, and collected their amunition; in hopes to fire off something new for your rhythmic desires. Here is my lil' contribution/attempt. :) HEY, Di-BOMB!!! I'LL SEE YO' ASS ON THE DANCEFLOOR! ;) |
MP3.com CD: nOvice-deXterity - buy it!
Credits: matt toscani (and Diane...my biggest supporter! thanks, chica!)) |
Nostalgia! This is from when i was 11 years old...thought i'd share it with you :) My parents got me a sampling casio keyboard and i fell in love. Totally lo-fi, but the heart of a curious kid beats purely like that of no other in existence. be a kid again with me :) |
Credits: matt toscani's child inside. |
the defining defined define of "music". |
Credits: matt and BH! |
this particular mix was made by accident. I have beats coming soon for this song, but really liked the surprise and sublety of it. This is for me. ;) |
Credits: matt toscani |
demo version of a new song i am working on....Now, that's sumthin' to look forward to! Yeeeee-hAW! |
Credits: matt toscani |
This is how I spell fun!!! I have a huge urge for drum core music recently, and this is my attempt to create that energetic rhythmic feel. INjOY! |
Credits: matt toscani |
the sound field of anger...touching the flame lit by one who is soot. my darkest by far...............doubt i will ever go there again...(fingers crossed) ;) |
Credits: matt toscani |
No description can do justice. The man's name is Paul Dye...remember it!!! This is his reworking of microCollect, but i think it stands strong enuff to be his very own. To fully have the Paul Dye experience, it's a must to go to WWW.PAULDYE.REALLYSUCKS.COM |
Credits: PaUl dYe wit da master-MinD |
...the time when nothing is conscious, but
everything awakes... |
MP3.com CD: nOvice-deXterity - buy it!
Credits: matt toscani |
ba-da-bum-bum...da-da-da :)
Pass the cheese, please.......... |
MP3.com CD: nOvice-deXterity - buy it!
Credits: matt toscani |
a jungle-based beat with experimental traveling sounds and such. (intended for headphones) |
MP3.com CD: nOvice-deXterity - buy it!
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Matt Toscani |
spoken-word interview that lets ya get to know a true novice and his thoughts on life, school, and other such nonsense :) as of 1984. |
Credits: Matt & Regina Toscani |
off beat drum n' bass (no perfection here!) with subtle strings. (best heard with headphones) |
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Matt Toscani |
Remix Submission for www.mp3.com/Angel99 .
ExperiMENTAL?, weird?,... whatever...so as long as matt had fun ;) |
Credits: Ryan Nixon (vox) . Additional Production: Matt Toscani |
did ya ever play just one instrument...and suddenly...in yer head...you can begin to hear the other elements that would make it complete? No, you say...well...have a listen then :) |
MP3.com CD: nOvice-deXterity - buy it!
Credits: matt toscani |
This is a small piece utilizing the ideas of 2nds in piano: 2nd intervals, 2nd inversions. Not a bad piece...there's sumthin' about it that i like alot. (PROBABLY 'CAUSE IT'S "LO-FI"!!! LOL)
BELOW IS THE SAME PIECE-EXCEPT THERE ARE ADDED ELECTRONIC SEQUENCES. Knock yer socks off....take a listen to both and hear acoustic vs. electro-acoustic and let me know which one you prefer. THANKS! |
Credits: matt toscani |
Observing people is like looking at a vase: You notice all sorts of fragile curves and details that they embodie while knowing how easily they can break. |
Credits: matt toscani |
take it as whatever you'd like...this is for you, for me, for everybody. If you do listen to this, I'd be curious to hear what it sounds like to you or how it makes you feel. Send email to : matttoscani@hotmail.com Thanks. :) |
Credits: matt toscani |
an experimental piece, used to describe what it may sound like inside the womb-as a new born travels towards birth. (for Damien) |
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Matt Toscani |
a quiet, reflective song...for a special someone who i hope is doin' very well, regardless of how everything is or may become.
With alotta regrets, mistakes, etc...ya can only blame a situation for so long, then toss it into the air, but remain to hold onto the memories that bring warmth.
ps....happy birthday 11/24/01 :) |
Credits: matt toscani |
Mellow and distorted guitar sounds with scary noises and beats ;) |
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Matt Toscani and Chris McKenna |
piano composition with self-created sounds for beats. |
MP3.com CD: nOvice-deXterity - buy it!
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Matt Toscani |
piano composition |
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: novice |
beat-pan experimentation, with distorted random noises |
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Matt Toscani |
experimetal piece with answering machine messages and poetry. |
CD: none
Label: none
Credits: Matt Toscani |
"...i stay this way, it's the only way i know...like a child with a smile, etched on their simple soul: it's the way i came, and it's how i'll go..." |
Credits: matt toscani |
an unusual arrangement to match the sounds i hear in my head at any given time, at any given place...the sound of a true novice ;) |
Credits: matt toscani |
A short piece of music describing the feeling of departing, while journeying forward. To where? ...I dunno...it's just an interlude. :)
Much "Thanks" to Chris McKenna for letting me 'steal' his sample. (Chris, I hope ya never get to read this! HAHAHAHAHA) |
Credits: matt toscani |
seeing isn't always believing. |
Credits: matt toscani |
Just a 4 to da floor, typical club stuff for those of ya who like to 'move it, move it'.
This song is in huge need of a soulful vocalist...if ya got what it takes: PLEASE CONTACT ME (matttoscani@hotmail.com) Much appreciation-matt. |
Credits: matt toscani, marybeth toscani-inspired the WHOLE idea, amy snyder-gave wings to this piece so it could fly :)...major thanks!! |
This is what it sounds like at 3am when a novice plays with himself. A purely nocturnal pleasure. ;) |
Credits: matt toscani |
Lately, i've been doing short, minimal sequences that get me stumped. Anyone got a beat idea or chord progression for this one???? Feel free to let me know. Thanks :) |
Credits: matt toscani |
Yet another sequence left open for any input or musical help :) My (very) BAD! It's just a beat rhythm that contain snare sounds that i love-but not sure what to do next with it. |
Credits: matt toscani |
Very minimal guitar-only piece...background stuff, meaning: do something while ya listen to this...don't pay attention :) |
Credits: matt toscani |
Silent film score contest for Turner Classic Movies |
A compositional entry for The Third Annual YOUNG FILM COMPOSERS Competition held by Turner Classic Movies. |
Credits: Matt Toscani |
a polytonal piano composition/short film score created for Turner Classic Movies 2nd annual Young Film Composers competition. |
Credits: Matt Toscani |