Yes, here it is. My .mp3 site.
I'm pleased to announce that you may now view sheet music to my material on line, at
sibelius music has recently limited unpaid accounts to
listing only 3 selections.
Once I get more money coming in, I will probably go
ahead and pay the $50 they want annually so I can
list more songs here.
This "pay to play" scheme is another example of the
disgusting music industry expectation that
artists will both spend time, effort and money
providing material, and then pay to be heard.
As Americans, we live in an empire that gives us
socialized weapons of mass destruction.
This is a literal fact.
Yet, if one talks about socializing medicine or
art, one runs the risk of being labeled “communist,”
“liberal,” “unpatriotic,”
or whatever ridiculously exaggerated ephithet.
It’s time to evolve beyond this
astoundingly idiotic animalistic
mentality. It’s time to create a world
in which those who create beauty are awarded the
respect and support they deserve.
Thank you,
-= miles =-