Credits: Brett James Phillips and Casey Milner |
Credits: Brett James Phillips, Casey Milner and Dale Bridgmon |
CD: Terra Incognita
Label: Bretts'Fretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
CD: True to my Art
Label: Bretts'Fretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
CD: True to My Art
Label: Bretts' Fretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
As the sun falls and defuses colour in the western sky, so this song sets Bretts first CD,'Northern Lights in the Desrt Sky'. |
CD: Northern Lights in the Desert Sky
Label: BrettsFretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
The guitar following a mountain stream as it winds its way down to the valley floor. |
CD: Northern Lights in the Desert Sky
Label: BrettsFretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
Looking through the obvious and commonplace to see a deeper more abstract realm. |
CD: Northern Lights in the Desert Sky
Label: BrettsFretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
I've added some acoustic guitar lead work into the mix - I think it really touches up this song perfectly |
CD: True to my Art
Label: Bretts'Fretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
The sound of the forces of nature creating vibrations and melodies that only occur in unique and extreme conditions. |
CD: Northern Lights in the Desert Sky
Label: BrettsFretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
the flickering of the candle casting shadows and revealing hidden places |
The desert is an ocean unto itself with melodies from the guitar responding to its ebb and flow. |
CD: Northern Lights in the Desert Sky
Label: BrettsFretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
Same song as before with a faster tempo |
CD: True to my Heart
Label: Bretts'Fretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
This song soars! For those of you who like classical music and the power of the electric
guitar together. |
CD: Arizona
Label: Bretts'Frettss
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
If you had a pink elephant named Gertrude who could play the bass it would be funked up!!! |
CD: Arizona
Label: Bretts' Fretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
Depicting the many chambers of the human heart |
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
CD: Arizona
Label: Bretts'Fretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
This song moves like only a sidewinder can, truly unique in the desert. |
CD: Utopia Road
Label: BrettsFretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
Blues guitar underscored by classical and hard funk diversions |
CD: Utopia RD
Label: BrettsFretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
The Epic struggle to conquer the western frontier depicted in song from a look back from the future. |
CD: Utopia Road
Label: BrettsFretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |
Imagine disturbing a sleeping rattle snake. The guitar moves through this song much like a snake being threatened and provoked. |
CD: Utopia Road
Label: Bretts'Fretts
Credits: Brett James Phillips |