a song that calls out to certain perpetrators who know who they are to STOP TELLING THEMSELVES WHAT THEY NEED TO TELL THEMSELVES in order to LIVE WITH THE CRIMES that they have COMMITTED against those that did NOTHING but LOVE and TRUST THEM.....just CONFESS and MOVE ON..... |
CD: Moments of Clarity
Label: ICE-9
Credits: SLACK |
a song that portrays the WHAT WAS I THINKING scenario after the smoke clears from the SELF DESTRUCTION DETONATION SHOCKWAVE......although the evil things that are done to you are sometimes things that you could NEVER DO to ANYONE ELSE.....you have to take responsibility for YOUR OWN PART in being so STUPID to NOT SEE IT COMING......LEARN FROM IT....and BITCH A LITTLE about it in song..... |
CD: Moments of Clarity
Label: ICE-9
Credits: SLACK |
a song of mind numbing DISBELIEF that surfaces when those you love the most wound you the deepest.... |
CD: Moments of Clarity
Label: ICE 9 MUSIC
Credits: SLACK |