ThIS iS lIKe ThE SOuNdS i HeAR iNsIde My HEaD... |
CD: To Be MAdE
Credits: NEKanthropie... |
This is a tale of love and trust and how one person can just FUCK everything up with just a simple twist of a nipple...RAAAAAAAA!!!! |
MP3.com CD: The Forth Cuming - buy it!
CD: The Forth Cuming
Credits: NIKOTEEN!!!!!!!!! CAFATEEN!!!!!!!!! |
The Way I Feel About Life Pretty Much And This Sux Just As Bad, "BUT DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT" |
MP3.com CD: The Forth Cuming - buy it!
CD: The Forth Cuming
Credits: I Give Credit To Life And Its Many Quirks For The Inspiration To Be As Awful As I Can Be....and CAFATEEN and NIKOTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 |