A review of our band...
I just returned home from seeing Solitary Glens band XMITTRS play and all I
can say is WOW!!!! Don't let this guys' modesty fool you. Hell I almost
didn't go after he said they weren't prog they were rock etc. However I
decided to go check them out, you know support the forum etc. And I can't
tell you what a pleasant surprise it was.
Now I'm not going to go into the great detail that Mashtun did when he
described Aredores kit but he had a Pearl kit (basically had a mini Peart
kit. 24" bass with a double kick etc.)
I'll let Glen describe his kit. I'm also not going to describe or label his
bands music..because I can't. It was basically a blues,funk,rock sound with
portnoyesque (prog) time signatures. This band has a very unique sound. Glen
is an excellent drummer, now I know I haven't heard everyone in the forum
drum off but I think this guy can hold his own.
I met Glen for the first time before the show, and he told me they hadn't
practiced in weeks (after hearing them I think he BS'ing me.) They started
to set-up. And I knew I was in the right place when I almost spewed my 2nd
Tuacca Lemon drop on the bartender when I heard Glen playing 6:00 during the
soundcheck. Little did I know this one of many Portnoy sounding fills to
The band finally started and all I can say is I was VERY impressed. I had
gone to his bands website and gave them a listen but it wasn't the same.
They were all original with the exception of one cover: For Your Love which
they completely perveted, with some serious double bass leading the way.
They also played a song which reminded me of an excellent adventure I heard
somewhere on LTE1.
They followed the first set with more of the same in the second set, which
featured a close to two minute KICK-ASS drum solo during the 3rd song. I
highly recommend that anyone in the Dallas area check them out next time
they play.
Then rate the Band at Barstar.com