This song has absolutly crazy drums and enough bass to shake your house down. A must listen if you have a good stereo system or good headphones. This song is a GREAT reason to buy the new Ecletica CD...you need to hear these sounds pounding through your house. REVIEW BY DSP: Pounding reverberated drum hit nocks to compliment rhythm structure. Sweet riff comes in to temp the listener. Scraping metal soundscape fills up the track while beats shift pattern. Hihats push drums into overdrive sending energy to the listner. One note bass comes soon to be followed by a squelchy filtered lead that jumps around the stereo field. Beats are full on and pin needle arp gets introduced,track is flying ... |
MP3.com CD: Eclectica (Special Edition) - buy it!
CD: Eclectica
Label: 17 Cent Records
Credits: John Novak |
A cool song with some serious bass, and a sort of "ambient African" quality to it. |
MP3.com CD: Eclectica (Special Edition) - buy it!
CD: Eclectica
Label: 17 Cent Records
Credits: John Novak |
A cool, dark sounding song, done by the artist Virii, which I cut down and slightly modified...under his permission of course. |
MP3.com CD: Eclectica (Special Edition) - buy it!
CD: Eclectica
Label: 17 Cent Records
Credits: John Novak + Virii |