Motivationally reiterates your belief no matter what your goal in life is. Will leave you aboslutely, positively, re-evaluating your being and could result in a different state of mind. Side effects may include an increase in your degree of polarity and vibrations. Hope you like this very rough version. An improved version will follow sometime soon.
Thank you for listening. |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Access Denied
Label: Big Ears (R) Records
Credits: Big Ears (R) Records / Victor A. George |
A beautiful song with a warm feeling to help anyone, especially children, stay positive. A derivative of the Bible! Peace! And may God watch over us all. Amen! |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Rejuvenate My life
Label: Big Ears (TM) Records
Credits: Victor George / Big Ears (R) Records |
Does distance actually make the heart grow fonder? I'd like to think so. What do you think? |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Access Denied
Label: Big Ears (R) Records
Credits: Big Ears (R) Records / Megatoy-Da Music Architect |
This is One Bad Ass Kickin' groove with KILLER Baseline!! Dance, Dance and Dance 'til u drop! Originality is the Key to Creativity - the life blood and backbone. So, the journey continues, folks!(c)Infusion Collection 2003. This beat/melody has been used in a children's video game without my expressed written consent or approval...so they'll try to stop you from listening to it. Never mind! I'm unstopable 'cos I'm on a mission. |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Glory Bound
Label: Big Ears Records / Ears4Music
Credits: Megatoy & G. Reich |
This song was written last year(2002). It is about the senseless killings of our peers (like Tupac, Biggy Smalls, etc.)in the music business. Any household devided against itself can not stand the test of time. Individualism, greed, selfishness, jealousy, injustice and gossip are all weaknesses we must overcome to make us better and stronger. Thanks for listening. |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Access Denied
Label: Big Ears (R) Records
Credits: Big Ears (R) Records |
There is Rock, there is Latin Rock, and now, AFRICAN ROCK with a 'Moody-bluezy' Reggae twist. Like the Idea? Cool. Then, start getting excited for a totally unique and awesome experience...Oooyeeeeaaahhhh! Check it out and have a blast! ... enjoy it and thanks for listening!! |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Boundless
Label: Big Ears (R) Records
Credits: Big Ears (R) Records/ Megatoy |
This groove has one of the smoothest baselines you'll hear in a long time. Please, judge for yourself. Lay back or just relax while easing your soul with this Soothing Music.
Enjoy and thanks for listening. |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Emancipation
Label: Big Ears (R) Records
Credits: Megatoy-Da Music Architect / George Reich |
This song was, and still is, dedicated to the victims and families of 09/11/01, and to my dear and beloved brother, Philip, who suddenly passed away (Glory Bound) on 05/31/03. He was a man who spent his entire life catering for people, selflessly putting others needs and wants ahead of his. The reflections of his smile brightened many lives as his zest for true compassion runs deep in the memory of all who crossed his path. You will be dearly missed, Philip. May eternal bliss shine upon you in God's name. Amen. |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Emancipation
Label: Big Ears (TM) Records
Credits: Victor George / Big Ears (R) Records |
Help preserve our resources, please!
This Song hit the "#2 spot" under Contemporary Urban four years ago!! Thanks for listening and for caring about our environment!!
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Rejuvenate My Life
Label: Big Ears (R) Records / megatoy
Credits: Big Ears (R) Records / Megatoy |
A woman seek an African soothsayer's help after her boyfriend tells her he's seeing another girl. |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Boomlagalagaboom Collection
Label: Big Ears (R)(TM) Records
Credits: Victor George / Big Ears (TM) Records |
Karma is like a boomerang, it will come back to hunt you. Never underestimate another person. Didn't the headcorner stone turn-out to be the stone the builders refused?
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Uncanny Blend
Label: Big Ears( R) Records
Credits: Big ears (R) records / Megatoy (Da Music Architect) |
A touch of country with reggae to add spice and variety. COOL!! |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Uncanny Blend
Label: Big Ears (R) records
Credits: Big Ears(R) records |
An African Bird Chant. (KIDS, please don't annoy your parents with this one catchy but irritating sound). The bird is called, "Ndogbohtutu" in Mende, and it has an incredibly perfect perception of time. This bird only chants at specific times of the day as if Nature Programmed it that way.
Please, have fun with it!...
FYI: This beat/melody was confirmed received at the copyrights office in may 2003 under the title, "INFUSION COLLECTION 2003" It is protected (c)2003. |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Glory Bound
Label: Big Ears(R) Records / Ears4Music
Credits: Megatoy-Da Music Architect |
Did you say Humble? The power of Originality!! African Hip-Hop/Folkish Reggae Style...thanks4listening. |
MP3.com CD: Kiss My Ass - buy it!
CD: Spooked
Label: Big Ears Records (R) / Ears4Music
Credits: Megatoy Da-Music Architect & Da-Golden Child |