A moody, schizophrenic bastard of a track! Nice and quiet but later evil and mencing...Make you own mind up... |
CD: More Fearful than Longing
Label: BBB Records
Credits: Josh Davies - Piano and Flute |
A very fucking noisy track..... I must warn you all...By all means turn it up but at about 3:21 everything gets quite loud!It was written last year in one day when I was ill, I felt like death, so I wrote a song about dying! Simple! Insiped by war and death this song is pretty evil. |
CD: More fearful than Longing
Label: BBB Records
Credits: Stanley Krubrick - Concept for the Song |
A song inspired by 2 main concepts. First of all, that winter feeling. Walking home at 3 in the morning, feeling mashed, through the red light district of Nottingham, freaking out, worst of all freezing my tits off... Get the picture - Its not nice!!Second concept. The method and idea behind putting a track together. In fact the method that DJ Shadow uses to create atmosphere, this track is a tribute to the genius that is Shadow. In fact the working title for this track was Shadow... |
CD: More fearful than Longing
Label: Not signed
Credits: Me, me, me and me...... |