upbeat tempo, gets the brain jumpin' up and down. Opens your mind to new ideas, new possibilities, taking you to a higher level of thinking. The Imagination can be a powerful thing..... |
CD: CFC store in a cool place
Label: none yet
Credits: songs written by: rAnDrAy |
Upbeat U2, the Cure, and Freddy Jones Band like, all wrapped into one. Good driving down the road tune. Based on the only thing you can really count on in this life is that Time keeps Rollin'On! |
CD: CFC store in a cool place
Label: none
Credits: songs written by: rAnDrAy |
funky up beat hit with alot to tell about being in search of a woman you don't even know....the search cont' |
CD: CFC store in a cool place
Label: none yet
Credits: songs written by: rAnDrAy |