The story of man, the inner dilemma that faces most people when they get tied to responsibilities and believe the grass is always greener... |
CD: Relieves the Monogamy
Label: TBA
Credits: Produced by Sacha Goodwin and Jonas |
A song about one man's fascination and lusting after a popular American sitcom actress, and his inability to function without their make-believe relationship... |
CD: Relieves the Monogamy
Label: TBA
Credits: Produced by Sacha Goodwin and Jonas at Backyard Studios, UK |
A song for everyone who's been p***** off at the leather jacketed, long haired tatooed grief givers that think to play or even enjoy guitar music you must conform by wearing their uniform - remove the blikers, get a life or f*** off! |
CD: Relieves the Monogamy
Label: TBA
Credits: Produced by Sacha Goodwin and Jonas at Backyard Studios, UK |