TripWyre is a 7 peice melodic punk band from Victoria BC Canada.A three piece saxophone section plays chords and harmonies wich blend with the guitars to form a harmonic wall of sound. Tripwyre is NOT SKA. Our sound is a little hard to describe so listen to the mp3s. I'm not happy with the quality of the recording on these mp3s and I know we are capable of so much better. THis summer we will be in Bosevus Records' studio doing some more recording so please Join our mailinglist so we can let you know when the new tracks are done.
Vist our website to see the the video
of us egging the moffats.
Dashing through the snow... |
Label: Bosevus Records
Credits: Engineered by Nev GIbson |
This is a live recording of one of our newer songs. The quality isn't great but it will give you an idea of what our new stuff sounds like. |
CD: Unreleased
Label: Bosevus Records
Credits: Written and Preformed by TripWyre |
One of our newer songs recorded live at our last show the quality isn't great but it will give you an Idea of the kind of studd that will be on our next album |
CD: unreleased
Label: Bosevus Records
Credits: Writen adn Preformed by Tripwyre |