With reverence and awe, using the actual biblical text, Shirona captures the mystery of Creation. You will be transported back in time... |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
A 14th Century poem by Daniel Ben Y'huda tries to describe an indescribable G-d. It is based on the "Thirteen Principles of Faith" by Maimonides. |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
The Hassidim taught us to worship G-d with joy, and what sound is more joyful than the sound of children laughing? Bet you never knew that "Don't worry, Be happy" is an old Hassidic principle! |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
"Sweetly I Sing and Melodies I Weave... for my Soul Yearns to Thee"... The ultimate love song to G-d. Based on the text of "Anim Zmirot", this song has been performed across the country by choirs, cantors, and even as the song to "walk down the aisle" to at weddings! |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
Romantic and passionate... text from "Shir Hashirim" - the Song of Songs. A woman longs for her beloved... the soul longs for G-d... You can look at it either way! |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
More passion and romance from "Shir Hashirim". Love is strong as Death... Jealousy is deadly as Hell... But Love is the "Fire of G-d", and no amount of water can extinguish this kind of Love! |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
A most beloved psalm, attributed to King David himself, set to a Judeo/Spanish/Renaissance style melody. |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
Acknowledging our Creator and thanking the Creator. "Our lives and souls are entrusted to Thee...forever and ever..." Text from the "Amidah", the melodyis soothing and uplifting. |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
Psalm 130. "From the depths I call to Thee, Adonai... hear my voice, listen to my pleas...". The most personal and heartfelt song on this album. |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
The Kabbalists consider this prayer to be the most mystical and powerful of all. Of unknown origins - it could date as far back as the 2nd Century. Musically, it is just as powerful and complex. |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
An amazing meditation... Based on the Ah sound of the "Shema", and written in the Key of A. Words also written by Shirona. This meditation directs on to listen to the "Still small voice within", which is the source of all true faith, and our real connection to the Divine. |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions
With a lively children's choir, this song was composed to sound as if it had been around for centuries... A bit Hassidic, a tad "Klezmer-ish", it's totally Jewish, happy, and the perfect closing number! |
MP3.com CD: Shirona - buy it!
CD: Shirona
Label: Lev David Productions