The Disco-House remix of the original Soundtrack Mix with a seriously sinister feel to it. |
Tribute to the pioneering early 70's electro group Tonto's Expanding Headband but with a definitely 'expanded' contemporary feel. |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dancefloor
Credits: Magic Knight |
The thrill of a thoroughbred race car on a freeway for an adrenaline rush on the dance floor. |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dancefloor
Credits: Magic Knight |
Deeeep bassline with sharp synths vocalizing in call and response to one another. Hear the message from the Apostle. |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dancefloor
Credits: Magic Knight |
The title says it all. |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dancefloor
Credits: Magic Knight |
The opposite of Dylan's 'Knockin on Heaven's Door'! Nothing morbid here! Key word : PARTYING. |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
...for those who enjoy dancing so hard they begin to have visions... |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dancefloor
Credits: Magic Knight |
Dance into a trance and feel the rush of adrenaline. |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dancefloor
Credits: Magic Knight |
Anthemic and pulsating dance track. |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dancefloor
Credits: Magic Knight |
Anthemic. The complementary track to 'Partying At Heaven's Door.' Same spirit but interlaced with some really wicked themes running throughout the track. |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dancefloor
Credits: Magic Knight |
A touch of the demented keyboards delivered at race pace creates a disturbing, sinister musical theme. Frenetic delivery should see the dancefloor going completely 'ape.' |
MP3.com CD: Take No Prisoners On The Dance - buy it!
CD: In The Hall Of The Techno King
Credits: Magic Knight |
A 70's 'B' Movie blaxploitation theme hitched to a funky disco house beat complete with throw in kung-fu vocals. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Label: Unreleased
Credits: Magic Knight |
"Thriller movie" dance track. 140 bpm 'Booty mover' on the dancefloor. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
Classic House dance track. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
Upbeat, almost jazzy, intricate piano driven house dance track in the classic vein of Manchester's Hacienda Club. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
Oozing a jazz flavoured groove this is a mellower but still pacy dance track driven by smooth keyboard sounds and latin percussion. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
Jumpy, edgy, filled with a dark nervous tension 'Gonna Rock U' has an almost hip-hop, 2-step feel to it that blends perfectly into a house track that rocks you. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
Hypnotic loops with a trancy feel create a mesmerizing dancefloor experience. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
Nothing ever comes easy ... like the song says... deep house piano, guitar and vibraphone with persistent deeeep bass. |
Credits: Magic Knight |
We've all been there... you just got to get to know each other... Good time music for good time people. |
Chugging train pace all the way for dance floor action. Charts the ups and downs, the mood swings of being in love with a hefty slice of choppy organ riffs. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
Pumpin' dance floor house action with soaring, swirling synth, synth horns and choppy keyboard riffs. Guaranteed to shake your booty on the dancefloor. |
MP3.com CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions - buy it!
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |
The instrumental version. |
CD: The Bad Attitude Sessions
Credits: Magic Knight |