Written on the train to NYC |
CD: RainyDays
Credits: Copyright(c)2003JeffDiTirroMusic |
CD: Rainy Days
Credits: Copyright 2003 JeffDiTirro |
My own naive observation of a young american family trying to make it work |
CD: Rainy Days
Credits: Copyroght 2003 JeffDiTirro |
A song of advice to a loved one,a friend or anyone who needs it |
CD: Rainy Days
Label: Copytight 2003 JeffDitirro
The stuff that was going through my head on this paericular rainy day. |
CD: Rainy Days
Credits: Copyright 2003 JeffDiTirro |
A song written for that special person... |
CD: Rainy Days
Credits: Opyright 2003 JeffDitirro |