WaNt 2 TuRn U oN 2 THiS HiP HoP THRiLLeR |
CD: Jacob "SpiTTy" Bragg - THiS iS JuSt ThE BiGiNNiNG
Label: Independent - Self Released & Promoted for InVaZion PRoDucTioNs
Credits: Jacob "SpiTTy" Bragg - Self Produced |
SouThEaSt SiDe of CoLuMbuS iS WheRe I'm FroM
It'S where I LivEd TiLL My PaRentS SpliT
THiS SoNg iS AbouT tHaT BLoK WheRe I uSe 2 LiVe. |
CD: Jacob "SpiTTy" Bragg - THiS iS JuSt ThE BiGiNNiNG
Label: Independent - Self Released & Promoted for InVaZion PRoDucTioNs
Credits: Jacob "SpiTTy" Bragg - Self Produced |
ThiS R&B/HiP-HoP NuMBeR WiLL GeT'ChA Up oN YoUR FeeT. ThiS GoES OuT To aLL ThoSE WaNNa Be PLaYa'S iN Da'KLuB. |
CD: SpiTTy - ThiS iS OnLY ThE BeGiNNiNG
Label: Independent - Self Released & Promoted for InVaZion PRoDucTioNs
Credits: Jacob "SpiTTy" Bragg - Self Produced |